Whats happening to my plants????


Active Member
Check out my tweo newest pics in my gallery.... My bottum leaves are turning comletly yellow... What the hells happening to them???

I just started flowering a few days ago but they were showing signs earlier then that... the only thing I can come up with is overwatering....

thanks everyone


Active Member
Hi Ft87

Looks like you have a mg def. Adding 1 tsp epsom salts per gallon of water every 3rd or 4th watering should fix that up.
It's not over watering. Over watering causes leaf droop much the same as under watering.

Are you using Miracle Grow soil (or something similar) w/time release nutes???? I thought I saw some of those little nute balls in your soil. The reason I'm asking is... Miracle Grow is really lacking in mg and mj will quickly eat up what little is there.
It also looks like you may have some mild nute burn going on as well. If you add ferts to your water (other then epsom salts) as well as the time release nute you can quickly run into over fert problems.



New Member
The bottom fan leaves? Have you pruned? Does the light penetrate to this level of your plants? I wouldn't rush into adding extra fert's if I were you.

Just looked at the pic's and it's almost certainly the light. They are surpless and the energies needed to keep them standing would be better served elsewhere. Give them a gentle downward tug and i'm sure they'll just come off. Next there will be two, soon-to-be-budding, branches just above the fan leaves you have just removed. Get a razor blade and cut these off. You can either throw them away or clone them.


Active Member
Im not too sure if it's the light though.... WHat makes me doubt this is the way its spreading from the bottum to the top of the plant... Also, a 1500 watt light in an all white grow room?

You still think its the light skunkushybrid?


New Member
When I enlarge the picture it doesn't look too serious, but if as you say it spreads all the way to the top of the plant then it sounds like you have a problem. Remember to prune your plant, do it now, you should be fine to go two or three nodes up. Are you using home-made Co2? If you over fill the bottles like I did the stuff sprays out pretty wild. lol. This can stain the leaves and eventually eat through. Same goes for when you water. I bet you're nut'ing the water and then watering the plant with it too. The water sticks to the leaves then the chemicals react beneath the light.

Please note that I'm on my first grow too. I'm not 100% sure on it, you could really have a problem. I'm just an optimistic kind of guy.


Active Member
test the ph in your soil,could be a nutrient lock out.over watered,cut back watering.over fertilized,cut back on nutrient or flush soil.under fertilized,i fertilize every watering but very mild.insects, inspect leaves,virus,temperature,humidity,lighting,fungus.maybe the genitics in that plant.i have even heard that the leaf has served its purpose and making way for youth.root rot, root bound(transplant too bigger pot and fresh soil,(lime has calcium and magnesium)if you mist sprayed or got fertilezer on leaf could be a chemical reaction wit the lights.it cold be a numerous amount of things i suggest try 1 of these at a time. tri this mix; mild fertilizer,cap of peroxide,cap of epsom salt,and a pinch of baking soda ,seltzer water,watered and mist sprayed(plants progressed in 48hrs)before mix ; plant fan leaves at bottom turned yellow fisrt,then spread ,only effecting older fan leaves.some wer even white.they began to develop gark spots on yellow leaves the ends would turn brown and work its way up.afther mix;some of the leaves veins turned green and then the whole leaf began to turn green,the leaves that had to much damge eventually dried up.but before i woul tri this i would look at all the things could be wrong.and start with wat the easy could be wrong like heat strain,humidity,wind burn,pests,over watering,under watering,over/under fertilized ,check ph in soil........ allways use peroxide in waterings the roots love it.