Whats happening to my plants? - WITH PICS


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

What in the world is happening to my plants?

I thought this was a nutrient deficiency since I did not feed any nutrients for the first 2 months. I've since been feeding with General Organics and am 2 weeks into feeding. This issue started with little small rust colored circles on the leaves and have slowly made it to this point. I'm now starting to contemplate a possible "hot spot" in the grow room since it seems the only plants showing the issues are directly under the lamp.

Please tell me your thoughts!

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keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Check ph and flush heavy with proper water and lay off the feed, I have a feeling you have been feeding without phing? Am i correct?


Well-Known Member
I did not feed for the first 2 months. I just gave them water.

These issues started, and based on what I saw on a chart, they appeared to be a combo of potassium, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies. This made sense since I went from seed to 3 weeks into flower without giving nutrients once. So, I did a feeding last week and one this week. Though I did not PH when I fed the nutrient solution I'm not convinced thats the issue as I would think all plants would exhibit the same issue where only a handful are. -- For good measure I'll go ahead and PH everything to see where its at.

Any other thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Check ph and flush heavy with proper water and lay off the feed, I have a feeling you have been feeding without phing? Am i correct?
Hey man, you might be right! I just PH'd the water I've been feeding and I'm seeing a solid 8.0 across the board. 20 drops of PH down per gallon is getting me where I need to be 6.5ish. Will proceed with flush!


Well-Known Member
According to General Organics no need to ph your water. I grow in soil and my water runs 8.0 or higher. I use GO and never ph water. No problems and this is my fifth run with the GO line.


Well-Known Member
According to General Organics no need to ph your water. I grow in soil and my water runs 8.0 or higher. I use GO and never ph water. No problems and this is my fifth run with the GO line.
Yeh, I know I read that on the box just the other day. I'm not sure what the issue is exactly, I don't attribute the issue to too many nutrients. I'm leaning towards PH or maybe a hot spot in the room. Given that my water is PH'ing at 8 across the board I'm going to approach the issue as its PH related.

If you have any thoughts on what it could be please lend your opinion!


Well-Known Member
Are you dechlorinating the water? Do you know if your tap has chlorine or chloramine? My bet is that you are severely deficient and it's taking time for the organic nutes to kick in. If you are using chlorinated water, you could be killing off your beneficials each time you water making nutrient production even slower.


Well-Known Member
Are you dechlorinating the water? Do you know if your tap has chlorine or chloramine? My bet is that you are severely deficient and it's taking time for the organic nutes to kick in. If you are using chlorinated water, you could be killing off your beneficials each time you water making nutrient production even slower.
I am not dechlorinating and and I'm fairly certain I have chlorine in the tap. I always let my water sit for 3-4 days prior to application to let the chlorine evaporate. What can I do to dechlorinate the water?


Well-Known Member
I'm using GO with RO water and I never PH. I've PH'd just for the hell of it a few times after mixing up some GO and it was in the fours. This is normal and adding PH up would be a waste of time and money at best. Given how basic his tap is, he certainly wouldn't need to PH up any.

If your water just has chlorine, it will be fine after a couple of days. If it has chloramines, you'll need to add something. I've used powdered vitamin C from Walmart. You can also use pond dechlorinators. For 8 bucks, you can buy a chlorine test kit and double check.


Well-Known Member
No mater what any company says always ph.
I have to disagree with you on that one. If your soils good it will adjust the water anyway. I'm all set with feeding my plants acid to lower ph when in 2 hours it will be right back to where it was originally.


Well-Known Member
I'm using GO with RO water and I never PH. I've PH'd just for the hell of it a few times after mixing up some GO and it was in the fours. This is normal and adding PH up would be a waste of time and money at best. Given how basic his tap is, he certainly wouldn't need to PH up any.

If your water just has chlorine, it will be fine after a couple of days. If it has chloramines, you'll need to add something. I've used powdered vitamin C from Walmart. You can also use pond dechlorinators. For 8 bucks, you can buy a chlorine test kit and double check.

I've PH'd the soil on the worst affected plant and its showing a PH of 7.0

Ran the girls through a deep flush with PH'd tap water to 6.5 (PH of 7.0 taken after this flush)

Waiting a few days and will feed again. Thinking/Hoping this is a nutrient deficiency as the soil has been leeched of nutrients over the past 2 months of no feeding.

Thanks for advice on the chlorine test, will pick one up this week.


I have only done a couple and I am still tyrying to figure it out I am in soil and I had this same problem and my ph was at an 8 and my buddy came by and took a look at my plants and at first look after checking the ph he said it was in nute lock. The ph was so high that it locked out the plant from taking in any nutes. So like I said I am pretty new at this but they looked like my plants did. Are you useing soil or hydro and if soil what soil did you use?


Well-Known Member
I have only done a couple and I am still tyrying to figure it out I am in soil and I had this same problem and my ph was at an 8 and my buddy came by and took a look at my plants and at first look after checking the ph he said it was in nute lock. The ph was so high that it locked out the plant from taking in any nutes. So like I said I am pretty new at this but they looked like my plants did. Are you useing soil or hydro and if soil what soil did you use?
I am using soil.

Happy Frog by FoxFarm

What did you end up doing? Just a flush with PH'd water? How did you recover? What time period did you use for this? I'm somewhat paranoid now being 4th week in flower


Well-Known Member
Check ph and flush heavy with proper water and lay off the feed, I have a feeling you have been feeding without phing? Am i correct?
Keepitreal, If I go this route how long until I see an improvement? When is it okay to go back to feeding? I understand this is somewhat subjective but for a minimum what am I looking at time-wise? a week or two?


Well-Known Member
Looks like the issue has been stopped dead in its tracks. Plants are showing signs of recovery! Will provide another update in a week or so :)

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with you on that one. If your soils good it will adjust the water anyway. I'm all set with feeding my plants acid to lower ph when in 2 hours it will be right back to where it was originally.
Yes you are Correct for the most part, but how long can you keep adding water with a ph of 4 to soil before it starts to drop your soil. Just like an air filter in your house it says it filters 99.9% but how much crap and get junked up on your filter before it starts getting through. Do you see what I'm saying? That's just my opinion take it or leave it. I will always ph my feeds so my (filter) doesn't get gummed up. I would also think it would shock the plant just like 50degree water. No thank you my meds don't have corners cut.