Whats happening here??

i just want to know whats happening here? dont know if the pics are a bit blurry, but i want to know if its making some progress or what?? im a newbie, so please help me out here!! thanks :-D

Illegal Smile

I don't see much problem except droopiness and that could be due to too much water.
oky cool, how much water should i give them? and another thing, i planted some seeds, about 2cm deep, but when they start to grow, they grow like 10cm before they start sprouting their first leaves, so now they are like 10cm long and they JUST came out and they just hang over to the side a bit, what must i do??


Active Member
Well its recommended to let them dry out as muc as possible, then give them a real good watering. You want the roots to go searching for water a little so the grow and expand.

For the initial steching problem, if you are going to repot at any stage just bury the stem somewhat, if you are going to use that same pot looks like it has some room, just fill it with more soil to the top.
oky cool thanks. im going to replant the new one so i'll just plant it a bit deeper and hope for the best:-D oh oky i thought you have to give it more water so it grows better, oky cool i'll give it less water then, make it look for water:-D im using soil from some building that i stole:-x hahaha looks legit tho..