Whats going to happen with my plant?

Heres the situation for the plant.

Started from seed, unknown genetics.
Vegged for 3wks, then switched to 12/12
Left on 12/12 for 1 week.

At one week of 12/12 a dog attacked the plant. it went from 24" tall to 8". 90% of the plant is gone.

Immediately put the lights to 18/6 to restart a veg cycle. after 1 day of 18/6 i switched to 24/0.
Switched to 24/0 because clones were taken and are in the same room.

Will switching from 12/12 to 24/0 Prevent/delay/or stop the plant from producing preflowers? i still havnt determined the sex. Before the plant was attacked the top of the plant had preflowers forming :(



Well-Known Member
talk about stressing a plant, not only did a dog eat the top out but then on top of that you switched the lights back to veg, and they switched light cycle again a day later...

You and the dog are what happen to your plants.. PS switching from 12/12 to 24/0 on a cut in half plant can cause per-flowers and will do nothing but stress the plant more..
Sometimes It's better to just let the plant try and recover itself.


Well-Known Member
I have taking clones off a plant 1 week into flowering myself before so I know what you are trying to do but think you would of been better off just letting the plant stay in flowering.
Any idea what is going to happen now? i understand, bad that the dog broke the plant in half, bad that the light cycle changed.. but ... it would not have been able to yield anything in the condition it was in. So rather than scrap the grow i chose to try and reveg it, and i took clones from the top that snapped off. so i figured id have everything under a 24/0 light system to help the clones. Im thinking at worst case if the mother dies maybe ill get a few decent clones. considering the clones were took before preflowers were even identifiable i think they will root ok


Well-Known Member
once a plant goes into flower it can take 2-4 weeks for it to start doing anything sometimes when revegging. and its going to look retarded also.

you can flower the plant in that picture no problem.


Well-Known Member
also i clone plants that are 6 weeks into flowering sometimes to save genetics if i need to. it will root in a couple weeks but takes about a month for it to start growing when i do that but they do eventually grow. it may have some sort of stress or genetic drift from cloning that deep in but it is surely possible.