Whats going on


Well-Known Member
Cant figure out really whats going on with these 2 plants if anyone can point me in the right direction. I didnt have problems until i got my new lights.
20200505_095753.jpggg420200505_095744.jpgjungle cake20200505_095734.jpgjungle cake close up all the tops are like that.


Well-Known Member
Hlg 650r. Im thinking my temp swings are messing it up some to. I seen it dropped down when lights off to 59 humidity was at 63 last night with it that cold.


Well-Known Member
I think the light had part to do with it they were growing really well under the t5 but when i put them under these lights problems started


Well-Known Member
It’s %100 the light. Jumping from t5s to an Hlg gonna shock your plants. Look at my journal, same thing happened to me when I got mine. Just give em a few days