Whats eating them


Active Member
These little holes are showing up a lot more on leaves recently, I feel like it’s getting more widespread. I spray with neem oil like 1 time a week, should I do more? Any possible ID?

also the leaves are starting to taco, likely from heat and humidity, and also they are getting lighter where the new growth is.

I’ve fed very little nutes in my mix of soil, coast of Maine platinum, compost, worm casting, and bone meal. I had an issue where I got lax with pH testing and my tap is well water. PH is about an 8 out the tap so could this be a lockout. Recently I’ve started pH correcting but only in the last few waterings. I’ve started feeding some Dr.Jimz chicken soup which has a wide variety of nutes in it to try and cover some calmag. Please give and advice