Whats Babylon


Well-Known Member
Alright, sorry to ask this, but i cant find exactly what it is :?

Alot of songs have it in it (Babylon will fall - Dylan Murray) and I was just wondering, what is it? I looked it up, and all I could find is some maztec town or something. Thanks guys. :roll:


Well-Known Member
babylon.. i think thats one of the 7 wonders of the world? lol i think it is sumtin to do with gardens? idk maybe thats a diff place


Active Member
Babylon was an ancient city which is in modern day Iraq (I believe).

In the bible, God overthrew the city due to its sinfulness- never to be rebuilt again (and it has never been inhabited since) and the bible uses the term "Babylon" to describe the world governments and religions in general due to their sinful actions which God is said to soon overthrow once again never to be rebuilt.


Well-Known Member
Babylon was an ancient city which is in modern day Iraq (I believe).

In the bible, God overthrew the city due to its sinfulness- never to be rebuilt again (and it has never been inhabited since) and the bible uses the term "Babylon" to describe the world governments and religions in general due to their sinful actions which God is said to soon overthrow once again never to be rebuilt.
I agree with bigpapa's answer. Here's the way I was taught the story:

The Tower of Babel was supposed to be the crowning achievment of the city of Babylon. They wanted to build it so high that it would reach Heaven. And I guess God thought they were getting a bit too big for their britches, and so He destroyed the Tower and made it so everyone spoke a different language, so they couldn't even attempt to rebuild it.