What you think of this plant?


A week into flowering, pretty much no visible trichomes, being fed generic 20-20-20 fertilizer every few days. Whaddaya think?


Well-Known Member
Shit, those pics are from 2006, She must be a BEAST now! l0l

She looks fine! How long did you veg it for?


ha new camera, I forgot to set the date.
Veged for like 2.5 months, growing it outside so just let it do its thing really


Na we just left it outside until it wanted to start floweing. My mate bought some seeds back from Jamaica and we figured we may as well give it a shot. Its stunted growth is due to not receiving nutrients until about 3 weeks ago, It was actually dying a few weeks back but found the nutes and it perked up really quickly.
Looking at some other grows, I was kinda expecting to see a few trichomes by now, and definatly some hairs that other plants seem to have in abundance. Anyone know why it's lacking?bongsmilie


Australian born and raised, living in the middle east now. Need something that isnt suspicious smelling hash or $40 a gram


Hey all. My mate who I'm growing it with is leaving for vacation, and saying he want to take whatever buds there are now, dry it and smoke. Im pretty sure this is a bad idea that wont give you much buzz, if any, what do you lot think?