What would you personally do?

Your income has been slashed, but your bills increase. What choices below seem to be

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New Member
Any business ideas?
Always, but this isn't the thread for it. I can give advice but no real details. I don't feel comfortable telling ppl where to place their money specifically. Believe me, I get asked those questions all the time at social functions. I like to keep it general. Investment is a personal experience.

Where's the suicide option?
I thought about that, but since the poll is public, I thought it best to not include it.

Although I can imagine it is happening across the nation. :sad:
Just read that little blessing there at the end. I've always heard it as:

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at you back, May the sun shine warmly upon your face, the rain fall softly upon your fields, and until we meet again may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

i always loved that little travellers blessing. Tell it to a girl whos breaking up with you instead of calling her a dirty rotten bitch and she'll be back in three months wanting you back because your such a thoughtfull nice guy....lol....:bigjoint:

Man I wish I could remember things like that. I can hardly remember what I had for dinner last night. Nevertheless, it does sound better your way. Thanks for the update:bigjoint::lol:
I told it to a hooker once, she was back the next day.
Me, too. Trouble was she stayed for six years and took most of my stash when she did leave.
It was worth it to see her ass for one last time, wiggling down the walk.

If I had killed my wife the first time I wanted to, I would have be out of prison by now.:wall:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Thanks, It's kinda like, I'm up to my ass in aligators, but I only came here to drain the swamp. Gotta start shoveling soon, It's gonna be hard to hide my little piece of savings from the CC companies, I saved all my life and I aint giving it up due to catastrophic circumstances, got to be sneaky, taking a little piece out at a time. I'm looking at some time in April for filing, will have all of it out by the 15th of Jan.
Buy some silver and put it somewhere safe. Good luck.
Me, too. Trouble was she stayed for six years and took most of my stash when she did leave.
It was worth it to see her ass for one last time, wiggling down the walk.

If I had killed my wife the first time I wanted to, I would have be out of prison by now.:wall:
Wow! Now theres a thought pattern to review! LOL!