What Would Happen If Jesse Jackson Were Arrested in Europe?


Active Member
You may want to read a little, Nazi groups are illegal in France and many more countries in Europe. Many Latin american countries have also banned Nazis.

I would think being an Irishman like myself you might know a little about being abused for your ancestry.... or are you clueless because you are still in the homeland Eire?

Willy ß MacCionaoith


Well-Known Member
Whatever I suppose you know more about Europe than the European guy ;)

I'm gonna bow outta this stupid thread anyways, a Nazi sympathiser got arrested in Germany, he clearly lacked common sense.

It'd be like going to Africa and shouting "nigger", ie. unwise regardless of political leanings.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, KKK uniform...so he's a low-IQ racist too... At very least the Nazis were intelligent people.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
everyone but whites are free to be racists. :)
Oh I don't know about that. Your little sentence didn't cost you a dime. It did, however, cost in credibility and IQ points.

Ugh, KKK uniform...so he's a low-IQ racist too... At very least the Nazis were intelligent people.
Really? With their program or pogrom of purification that would have limited genetic diversity due to some dumb ass idea that they were a pure race? The only "pure" humans are the sub-Saharan Africans who believed fucking Neanderthals was nasty. The rest of us are the descendents of mixed species cohabitation. Nazis were fucking stupid. The only differences between Nazis and the KKK are the wardrobe and accessories. The smelly shit inside is the same.


New Member
BTW this whole excercise in White supremcaist masterbation is on David DUke .com

I hope he gets the Maximum Punishment
This little hate monger should be shot for the Violence he has Fomented in the past
I will settle for in his words
"some swarthy people" ass raping him in a european jail


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by growsolo
I gotta call you out on this bullshit, you can't find a nation that is exclusively white anywhere on the planet, all formerly white nations now suffer under the rule of mandated multiculturalism.

Just to set the record straight, I am not a white supremacist.

A white nationalist? Maybe? A white separatist, that's for sure.

i knew there were plenty of skinheads that grew weed, i was just wondering where they all were.

let me guess, you support ron paul? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh I don't know about that. Your little sentence didn't cost you a dime. It did, however, cost in credibility and IQ points.

Really? With their program or pogrom of purification that would have limited genetic diversity due to some dumb ass idea that they were a pure race? The only "pure" humans are the sub-Saharan Africans who believed fucking Neanderthals was nasty. The rest of us are the descendents of mixed species cohabitation. Nazis were fucking stupid. The only differences between Nazis and the KKK are the wardrobe and accessories. The smelly shit inside is the same.
I'd disagree, being able to secretly execute 6 million people and conquer half of Europe takes a certain level of intellect, I don't agree with their actions, but they were intelligent human beings.


Active Member
White separatism is a separatist political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for white people. White separatists generally claim genetic affiliation with Anglo-Saxon cultures, Nordic cultures, or other white European cultures. Some also affiliate with white ethnic cultures that developed outside of Europe, like the Neo-Confederates and Boer-Afrikaner Nationalists.

Racial separatism differs from racial supremacy in that separatists believe that all races and ethnic groups have the right to develop their own culture separately and any race should not dominate another. They argue, however, that racial differences should be respected, and they strongly oppose miscegenation.

Critics argue that contemporary white separatism is a public facade adopted by white supremacists. Supporters of white separatism claim that describing white separatists as white supremacist is a smear. White separatists claim that their desire to remove themselves from racially integrated society and to secede based on race removes the possibility of subjugating other ethnic groups, and thus has no relation to white supremacy.

Racial separatism differs from racial segregation, which is characterized by separation of different racial groups within the same state -- that is racial separation in daily life, such as eating in restaurants, drinking from water fountains, using restrooms, attending school, going to the movies, or in renting or purchasing a home.

Racial segregation is enforced by the government of a multiracial nation, as in South Africa under apartheid, which seeks to separate different cultures within the borders of the same state.

The concept of homeland separatism is that all different ethnic or racial groups have the right to self-determination in their own homeland.

The view is that no cultural group should govern over another, and different cultures should live in peace and harmony with each other by developing separately in their own nation state.



Separatism is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group. While it often refers to full political secession, separatist groups may seek nothing more than greater autonomy. Some groups refer to their organizing as independence, self-determination, partition or decolonization movements instead of, or in addition to, autonomist, separatist or secession movements. While some critics may equate separatism and religious segregation, racial segregation or sexual segregation, separatists argue that separation by choice is not the same as government-enforced segregation and may serve useful purposes.
Motivations for separatism

Groups may have one or more motivations for separation, including:
  • emotional resentment of rival communities
  • protection from ethnic cleansing and genocide
  • justified resistance by victims of oppression, including denigration of their language, culture or religion
  • propaganda by those who hope to gain politically from intergroup conflict and hatred
  • the economic and political dominance of one group that does not share power and privilege in an egalitarian fashion
  • economic motivations: seeking to end economic exploitation by more powerful group or, conversely, to escape economic redistribution from a richer to a poorer group
  • preservation of threatened religious, language or other cultural tradition
  • destabilization from one separatist movement giving rise to others
  • geopolitical power vacuum from breakup of larger states or empires
  • continuing fragmentation as more and more states break up.
  • feeling that the perceived nation was added to the larger state by illegitimate means
  • the perception that the state can no longer support one's own group or has betrayed their interests

Governmental responses

How far separatist demands will go toward full independence, and whether groups pursue constitutional and nonviolent or armed violence, depend on a variety of economic, political and social factors, including movement leadership and the government’s response. Governments may respond in a number of ways, some of which are mutually exclusive. Some include:
  • accede to separatist demands
  • improve the circumstances of disadvantaged minorities, be they religious, linguistic, territorial, economic or political
  • adopt “asymmetric federalism” where different states have different relations to the central government depending on separatist demands or considerations
  • allow minorities to win in political disputes about which they feel strongly, through parliamentary voting, referendum, etc.
  • settle for a confederation or a commonwealth relationship where there are only limited ties among states.

Some governments suppress any separatist movement in their own country, but support separatism in other countries.
Types of separatist groups

Separatist groups practice a form of identity politics - “political activity and theorizing founded in the shared experiences of injustice of members of certain social groups.” Such groups believe attempts at integration with dominant groups compromise their identity and ability to pursue greater self-determination. However, economic and political factors usually are critical in creating strong separatist movements as opposed to less ambitious identity movements.

See more complete lists of historical and active autonomist and secessionist movements, as well as a list of unrecognized countries.

Religious separatist groups and sects want to withdraw from some larger religious groups and/or believe they should interact primarily with co-religionists.


Ethnic separatism is based more on cultural and linguistic differences than religious or racial differences, which also may exist. Notable ethnic separatist movements include:


Some groups seek to separate from others along racialist lines. They oppose inter-marriage with other races and seek separate schools, businesses, churches and other institutions or even separate societies, territories and governments.


Separatist feminism is women’s choosing to separate from male-defined, male-dominated institutions, relationships, roles and activities. Lesbian separatism advocates lesbianism as the logical result of feminism. Some separatist feminists and lesbian separatists have chosen to live apart in intentional community, cooperatives, and on land trusts. "Gay" separatism including both lesbians and gay men holds they should form a community distinct and separate from other groups.



New Member
For every 88 you expose there are 4-5 or more still lurking. My guess is they imfected the forum within the last 3 months

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'd disagree, being able to secretly execute 6 million people and conquer half of Europe takes a certain level of intellect, I don't agree with their actions, but they were intelligent human beings.
That doesn't take intelligence. Just herd instinct.