what would happen if i was caught in school with weed?


hey guys, first post ;D lol,

so in my school, which is very bogan may i add, has alot of weed smokers, so much in fact, our school has random drug busts, last time it happened we all had to go outside why'll drug dogs sniffed around.

anyway what would happen if you actually got caught with it? and you were aged 15-17? (the age group of most my mates)


Well-Known Member
this site's for adults only.

but I remember back in the day some friends got busted with percocet and weed. they were kicked out of school and that's that.

nothing really major. sometimes the cops will arrest you, but minors w/o priors, and minimal amounts of drugs will not be in real trouble.

don't take drugs to school. school is for learning. take drugs at a rave, at a club, during weekends. taking drugs to/in school only leads to trouble.


Well-Known Member
Deffinatly, trouble. i got 2 years probation for having a roach in my cig pack,in school(i forgot it was there, it was a monday). yea probation not that bad, but u cant blaze or u get locked up. if u want to remain a free stoner be smart, dont carry unless u got to.


Well-Known Member
It would really suck if your mom found your porn stash the same day while you were at school. Double spanking!


Well-Known Member
it depends if u git charged or not. i noe for a fact that any crime committed on school grounds or near(500ft i think) is double the sentence especially if its drug related


Well-Known Member
i completely forgot about mandatory minimums.

in many states being in a school zone worsens the penalty, for adults at least.

This is Texas according to norml.org:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Any sale to a minor is punishable by 2 - 20 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. Sale within 1,000 feet of a school or within 300 feet of a youth center, public pool or video arcade increases the penalty classification to the next highest level.

look for your state at the website above to know what you're looking at.


I got busted at school in 1980 - smoked on the way to school (we did it ALL the time). Jacket smelled like weed so they searched my car. They called my mom, I got 5 days off, mom took me back to school and I graduated that December. No probation, no court date, no essay on the "dangers" of smoking weed, no bullshit. I turned out to be a contributing member of society who raised an awesome kid. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i was caught stoned in school once (not with any actual bud) but the cop scared me into admitting i had smoked (i didnt have much experience with cops then) and got me for possession of a controlled substance because it 'was in me' is how he put it. he also got me with MIP of alcohol at the same time (also was scared into admitting drinking as well). after taking a class on how bad alcohol is at a hospital, and a one week suspension, all charges were dropped and i returned.


Active Member
I never understood why people just had to smoke up during school, or to even keep it on their person there. I drank and smoked and parties all throughout high school, but I never had to bring it into class with me. That's just asking to get busted. You have no rights on campus. The janitor can search you if he wants to, and there's nothing you can do about it. I hope you aren't the kind of person that lives around weed because they've no identity for themselves.

I'm all for the legalization of all drugs, but I don't have respect for people who have no self control. If someone drank every night, you'd probably consider them an alcoholic with a problem. Yet there are people on this site that would say there's nothing wrong with getting baked every night, every morning, at work, while pregnant, while driving in the car, etc. If someone drank and drove, most of us would say that person is a selfish prick for risking other lives just so that they could avoid spending money on a cab. Yet there are still idiots who think toking on the road is perfectly fine. If there was a couple that got drunk every night while raising a baby, we'd all call them irresponsible drunks. Still, there are some people on this site that think it's fine for there to be not one sober parent in the house because it's just pot. And the pregnancy thing is still an ongoing debate because there's a lack of evidence due to the illegality of such studies. The one study I've been able to find followed 30 people in Jamaica based off of personal accounts, which is not even close to enough to draw meaningful conclusions from.

I can't stand people who ignorantly worship anything, and with marijuana there are the responsible and there are the zealots. I'm glad to say that most people on this site, and in the world are responsible, but it's the people that have to get blazed at the least inappropriate times that give everyone a bad name. MJ is not a panacea, and it is not completely without the potential to harm. Still, I believe it can be used responsibly and should be legal.