What will happen?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have some White widow Female growing there getting to just about time to start cloning!! I also have some Auto Blueberry and Auto Ak47 growing. Not far enough along to tell sex yet!! But What would happen if I let a male of one of them auto plants sex up one of my widows clones lol!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have some White widow Female growing there getting to just about time to start cloning!! I also have some Auto Blueberry and Auto Ak47 growing. Not far enough along to tell sex yet!! But What would happen if I let a male of one of them auto plants sex up one of my widows clones lol!!!
You would get seeds that would have a VERY mixed sets of alleles. Also the seeds would carry the trait for autoflowering but none of them would be Autoflower (unless by mutation). However if you crossed breed those seeds with one another you would end up with many autoflowering seeds. Breed those again and you have locked in the autoflower trait.

Autoflower is a recessive trait and will be masked by normal flowering. But the trait will still be in the gene pool waiting to come out.

AA- normal flower aa- auto flower
AA x aa = Aa

Aa x Aa = 25% AA , 50% Aa, and 25% aa

aa x Aa = 75% aa , 25% Aa



Well-Known Member
so let me see if I get this right! By the way Thanks for the answer!! If I do it I will get seeds with the autoflower gene but will not auto flower!! Now if I take them seeds That I get and breed them together I will get autoflowering plants? Hope that makes since!


Well-Known Member
so let me see if I get this right! By the way Thanks for the answer!! If I do it I will get seeds with the autoflower gene but will not auto flower!! Now if I take them seeds That I get and breed them together I will get autoflowering plants? Hope that makes since!
No problem, anytime. Yes the first set of seeds will have the gene for autoflower but it will be recessive and the plants will NOT autoflower.

If you breed "those"(f1) seeds with another autoflower plant then you will get 100% autoflower seeds with the traits of a white widow. You could call it 'Widow Ryder" or something like that since the original autoflower was called lowryder.

Now if you took "those"(f1) seeds grew them out and breed them together you would get half autoflower with WW traits and half normal flower.

Hope that makes since. Lamp


Well-Known Member
Im sorry it wont be 100% it would be 75%. 25% would still be normal flower with the recessive gene. The only way to get 100% autoflower with the WW traits would be to take the seeds with recessive traits and breed them together then you will have half auto and half normal. Then grow them out, keep some male autoflower and female autoflower. Kill the normal flowering plants.

Then the seeds from those plants will be 100% autoflower with the WW trait.

From there you would just do selective breeding in order to maximize the WW traits while still keeping the autoflower gene flipped on. Lamp


Well-Known Member
You know if you payed attention in highschool biology or even middleschool biology, you'd know from Darwin how this all works. It's a simple biological/mathematical thing. So many growers don't understand this... maybe the pot killed their braincells?

A x A
a Aa Aa 4/4 100% normal with autoflowering genes
a Aa Aa

A x a
A AA Aa 1/4 25% normal with no autoflowering genes
x 2/4 50% normal with autoflowering genes
a Aa aa 1/4 25% autoflowering with only autoflowering genes

If you use only F2 autoflowering plants then you end up with all autoflowering plants

If you decided to use all of the F2 plants instead of only the autoflowering ones (I have no idea why you would) then you will have the same as the F2 genetics for the F3 seeds... 25% full normal, 50% normal with autoflowering genes, 25% autoflowering.

This is of course based on the autoflowering gene being only 1 specific gene (which it should be, but i'm not sure if it's been proven)

Pot growers really should learn biology or algebra if not botany.


Well-Known Member
didn't show well...

F1= 100% normal with autoflowering genes hidden

F2= 25% normal, 50% normal with autoflowering genes hidden, 25% autoflowering

F3= 25% normal, 50% normal with autoflowering genes hidden, 25% autoflowering or 100% autoflowering(if you use only autoflowering plants)


Well-Known Member
Also if you decide to try crossing the non-autoflowering F2's with autoflowering plants... you will get 1/3 (33%) normal with autoflowering genes and 2/3 (67%) autoflowering plants.


Well-Known Member
Pot growers really should learn biology or algebra if not botany.

I disagree, it doesn't take much more than common sense to grow marijuana. Every human should know basic biology and algebra for their own benefit, but our species doesn't need a doctorate in cannabis to git er' done. A geneticist could still grow shitty pot... So get off your condescending high horse, professor. I appreciate your useful advice, though.:peace:


Well-Known Member
you cant apply Mendel genetics here. you don't know how the traits are passed on this would need a lab and experimenting to figure out.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Ghost420.. Lampshade's rundown assumes a few things.. One that the auto strain was 100% homozygous for the auto allele within its own gene pool (granted that might very well be the case), and secondly that there is only one gene involved with the auto allele.. Remember alleles (traits), and genes aren't exactly the same thing..
That being said, lampshade's method is the best we have to work with, just be on the lookout for abnormalities regarding ratios assuming you pop enough seeds to be statistically relevant..


Well-Known Member
I disagree, it doesn't take much more than common sense to grow marijuana. Every human should know basic biology and algebra for their own benefit, but our species doesn't need a doctorate in cannabis to git er' done. A geneticist could still grow shitty pot... So get off your condescending high horse, professor. I appreciate your useful advice, though.:peace:
I never said anyone needed a PhD, I said people really need to pay attention to the common sense things they are taught in highschool and middle school. A geneticist would also probably know how to grow excellent pot, considering to get that degree, they would have to study at least basic biology, chemistry, and mathematics. But, obviously a paper degree doesn't always mean you know what you are doing or have the practical capability.

Sure, common sense says "Hey, a bright light works!" but you'd need to understand the angles to know how useful a HPS at 1 foot is in relation to a fluorescent at 2 inches. You'd have to grasp from biology why the light spectrum matters and which nutrients and minerals are essential to the plant or why PH balance matters or what it even is. I'm not even going to get into calculations for light reflection or maximizing a grow area and how auxins work. Those things aren't "common sense" to those who don't pay attention in basic schooling. Sure, you can grow pot with common sense considering in many areas it is quite literally a weed... but that is no achievement. Nothing is going to stop a pothead from learning enough to grow a plant and common sense, but a lot is going to stop them from growing exceptional weed even if a lot of basic knowledge is spoonfed them like it often is here (You yourself wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the fact that even common sense things thrown around here like candy). Actually knowing what you're growing and how plays a big part in doing it right. A higher education never hurts and a basic one always helps. But, I'm not here to argue how useful knowing simple things is. I'm here to gleam a few useful tidbits and share my growing concepts. You're devaluing an education which simply devalues you in my eyes, regardless of how spectacular you believe your pot growing skills are.


Well-Known Member
you cant apply Mendel genetics here. you don't know how the traits are passed on this would need a lab and experimenting to figure out.
I'll willingly admit that when i said "Darwin" I meant "Mendel". I pay attention to the concepts more often than the names. As I said at one point, it should hold mostly true but a lot depends on the genetic factors. Traits are always passed on the same, from mother and father to offspring so I'm not sure what you mean by that. Enough experiments have been done with other plants in lab conditions and marijuana isn't THAT special.


Well-Known Member
Red Green said it best.. You can't get any job these days without a HS diploma.. College/trade school can help you get a better job.. And university will teach you to look down on less educated ppl, and say hence & therefore whenever you can possibly fit them into conversation..


Well-Known Member
ya i am not here to put anyone down i was just making a statement that i dont think there is a sure fire way to predict what % of your seeds are going to be auto flowering.

another thing: guys dont grow auto flower because half of its genetics are from rudaralis which is basically hemp(very low thc present)

grow regular strains. that way you can veg for your desired time as opposed to the short time on autos


Well-Known Member
Best thing about autos IMO is the fact that their lifespan and size make them the ideal low risk outdoor crop.. Not only are they more likely to stay hidden, but police start hunting for growers around typical harvest season when you could already have your auto crop nicely cured..


Well-Known Member
Ok guys Update Got a Ak47/blueberry male and Ak47/Blueberry Female in the same room!! Now I sexed her a few times with the male!! So I seen powder falling so it should be all done now!! But How and when can I tell if it worked right!! And now that she has been sexed with a male can I return her to my main grow setup or will she now be able to turn the rest of my females male! Thanks for the help this is Great!! I also have a stright up Blueberry Lowryder growing also and she is budding like nothing I have ever seen!! This is way to cool!! Ty all for help!