What will happen growers convicted of a felony if the federal law changes?


Well-Known Member
Not likely. You would still have a tag. But the likelihood of having it expunged would be much greater I would think.


Well-Known Member
Nope, if u broke the law and convicted, then u convicted... Write Obama.... Maybe he'll pardon u :P


Well-Known Member
You goto a store and buy a TV for $1000.

1 year later, said TV is being sold for $ 400

You take your TV back to the store to get a price adjustment.

You are denied because the TV was priced accordingly at the time......follow me?

If you are already convicted, you have earned that stripe.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I knew a guy in texas that grew 20 acres of outdoor budz.... Did 5 1/2 years, lost his 150 acre farm, lost everything he owned... What you think they gonna do for him? Correct answer - not a damn thing.
i dont think employers would be able to discriminate against you for something you did that isnt illegal anymore.
employers run a private business and can still do whatever they want to with the hiring practices.
Our local hospital, the #1 employer, has stopped hiring people with nicotine in their system. Illegal?..nope

and i am surprised that with the name, ".....liberal" that you dont already know how private business runs....