What up


Whats goin on? Well i'm from Michigan, been blazin for 11 years now. before that I was on ritalin for 11 years(yea they were trying to kill me) pot got me off the ritalin. I'm just a layed back easy going guy. Have a decent amount of knowledge in growing, i'm no pro yet but one day i'll be there at the cup with my own strain. Other than that I really dont know what to say.

Peace and Love


Well-Known Member
Whats goin on? Well i'm from Michigan, been blazin for 11 years now. before that I was on ritalin for 11 years(yea they were trying to kill me) pot got me off the ritalin. I'm just a layed back easy going guy. Have a decent amount of knowledge in growing, i'm no pro yet but one day i'll be there at the cup with my own strain. Other than that I really dont know what to say.

Peace and Love
hey penny welcome, I hope that people recognise your knowledge and not your post count.


Well-Known Member
welcome penny

can i ask m8 how you go from ritalin to weed? very different drugs no? never tried ritalin but read a good book bout a girl hooked on it prozac nation i think its called.


welcome penny

can i ask m8 how you go from ritalin to weed? very different drugs no? never tried ritalin but read a good book bout a girl hooked on it prozac nation i think its called.
Ritalin is for kids that have ADHD. Hyperactive kids. It calms you down and allows you to focus. One day my friend asked me if I wanted to try a doobie so I was like sure. Well it did the same for me that ritalin did. And the fact that it was all natural and came from mother earth and not in a laboratory had me sold. I dont believe in doctors or prescription pills I was hooked on pills during high school(vicodin, darvocets, serzone, and soma's). From 6 - 17 I was on ritalin. Started smoking at 16 stopped taking ritalin at 16(sold it to people from 16 - 17 to buy my self-medication). Also was in alcoholic(come from a long line of alcoholics) in school I would drink during school hours and for a couple years after. Until I finally faced a choice keep going down the path I was with alcohol(3 duis, 1 mip) I had stopped smoking weed at the time and was doing nothing but drinking or I could go back to pot which when I did pot I didnt want to touch anything else. And it made me feel normal and functioning. Nowadays I still smoke to calm my add, the hyperactivity went away, but the add remains otherwise I cant pay attention to anything for more than a couple minutes. And it helps with my sleep apnea, constant migranes/cluster headaches, and my knee pain from playing football, wrestling, dirt biking, and skateboarding.


Crazy thing about ritalin now. They will not prescribe it to kids for more than 1 - 2 years because it has detrimental health effects. Kids were dying from it from prolonged use. That was another reason I switched from ritalin to sweet mary jane.


Well-Known Member
what i dont really understand is that its a speed isnt it a type of ampetamin sorry bout the spelling smoking some nice blueberry n i carnt spell to good neway lol so how dus it calm kids/people down? i understand that speed can help u focus ya mind on a single task and help concentrate better but how is all that extra energy good in people who already have too much?


Well thats the thing to someone who doesnt have Hyperactivity ritalin has the opposite effect. Non-Hyperactive people it makes them hyper. Hyperactive people it makes them mellow almost zombie like.


Well-Known Member
Well thats the thing to someone who doesnt have Hyperactivity ritalin has the opposite effect.

it is a widely abused drug tho is it not? same as the other adderall? is that just ritalin?

but neway penny fuck them chemicals m8 ur off em n on the good stuff lol so is michigan a legal state?


I remember a time when my mom's boyfriend had said I should be taken off ritalin because I was like a zombie.


Well-Known Member
i have always wondered why they gave a speedy drug to people with too much energy, crazy how it works not crazy medical science i suppose just something i didnt no.


Ritalin's pharmacological effects is closely related to Cocaine. And I've tried coke before it did the same to me as ritalin calmed me down but made my add 10x worse.