What to Flush


Hello fellow botnist

heres my question. i used to grow, i used metal grow boxes and was hydo organic. The girls loved there home but due to landlord issues things had to be shut down

So a few years later and a diagnosis of cancer and im gonna start again. my problem
i want to go with soil, i have countless books on the issue but no one talks about flushing other than in the finl stages.

So if in the past i can see salt build up in the soil pots on a very strict feeding schedule my question is can i flush once a month to prevent toxicity or will i be doin mre harm than good. Ive never used soil and it just seems that it would hold alot more of the good stuff and possibly to much. ie soil takes days to dry vs. rockwool Then to continue feeding nutrients it seems like id be throwing fuel on the fire.

So do you flush soil once a month to leech it of excess or wait for signs of stress and play catch up. I am on a strict feeding schedule, 8oz. once a day, there only about 1.5 months old and about 1.5 ft. tall and bushy. Outdoor all day direct sun, and showing no signs of deficiency. Im just worried cause im new to soil Any info would be great
Thnks team Keep of the Fight Good Luck and best wishes... deemd


Well-Known Member
yes you can flush soil..
your once a month will be fine.
soil is more forgiving than hydro too where ph is concerned .

i recommed you also buy a soil ph meter to keep it in check.
