What to do on LSD?


Well-Known Member
Blue rep is neutral rep meaning you got it from someone who doesn't have enough rep in order to affect your score positively. ;)


Well-Known Member
No, the person who repped you when you received the blue tag didn't have enough rep to +rep you.
You can rep me if you'd like. I won't say no. ;)


New Member
So What Are You Saying? I Think You Can Only Rep Someone Once A Day. But Do You Have To Have A Certain Amount Of Rep, Like Some Different Level. Like "Stoner"Or Something? Im Confused.


Well-Known Member
You said you received blue rep, correct? That rep is considered neutral because the user that repped you is considered a "Stranger", therefore it will not add to your rep score.
This is implemented so that users can't just sign up secondary accounts used solely for the purpose of adding to their rep.


Active Member
Nothing moves the way it's supposed and I think you produce double the amount of adrenaline you're supposed to. You constantly feel like you are being lifted up in the air (you know, that really light-bodied feeling?) I don't see anything wrong with the playing video games....unless you're playing GTA. In which case, you better have a damn good spot to stash all the stolen cars and dead bodies. X-)
damn that sounds intense ha I hope to god i can get some before i go.
and yes i actually did mean GTA haha thats funny, i played it for 7 hours straight with cheat mode on so i could get all the guns and vehicles and just continuously shoot people and once i got to wanted level 5 i would call the cops off and do it again haha


Well-Known Member
You know when somethings long and you just want the jist of it, read the last line and you'll probably read the whole thing.

i cant believe how intense lsd is, seriously like every time i do it it still amazes me, if you read my post in the pcp thread then you probably know im tripping pretty heavy right now, this is a second wave or some shit cause i swear i stopped tripping when i left my boys place anyways we were chilling, thinking about watching a movie for the rest of the ride and we flip it to Peachtree and its Deep Impact, like the end of the movie, all that fucking meteor shit fucking floods and all this shit going on, we look outside and there is a mother fucking couch in the middle of the mother fucking road can you seriously imagine how much balls we were tripping, we thought it was like the fucking second part of the movie, there was a tornado right infront of the fucking window, there was so much garbage flying around, hail started falling and shit, if you are from where im from, which im sure there are more than a few of you, you probably were also tripping balls just looking at this shit, at 1 point i was just like "i thought the aliens were gonna come 2012 but i guess they couldnt wait", this wasnt a bad trip at all. the whole time i was just like holy fucking shit man im gonna be flying in space on some crazy as anti gravity shit tripping even more balls than im tripping right now, which kinda seems impossible but at this point i have no clue what the fuck is even real, is it all a fucking movie or a movie in the making in my brain seriously all i have to say is damn

i thought the world was about to end and i wasnt scared at all.


New Member
Hmmm. I've Had Pure LSD In Some Good Amounts And Had Some Good Hallucinations On LSD But Nothing So Surreal. That Sounds Like It Was Truely Amazing.


Well-Known Member
So i tripped yesterday and found one of the most fun things to do. if you've got an xbox download a game called geometry wars and play that shit tripping. its a psychedelic game that is by far the crazziest thing to play while tripping


Well-Known Member
What's With People And Playing Games On Acid! It's To Rare A Trip To Waste On Games.
No Shit,,I Liked to be in the woods around nature water to swim in tripping hard,,,I have not eaten good acid in like 14 years used to get liquid,blotter,gel tabs mesculine,,,damn i miss LSD. Seemed like it dissapeared after Jerry died,,,for me at least!