What Timer?

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
trying to finish up my box...right now i need to make holes of intake/exhaust, and the final touch a timer. Can anyone recommend a good/reliable timer?? i know some timer are half assed and will mess up the light cycle if you get unlucky. can someone please recommend a nice reliable timer?? thanks in advance to all relplies :)


Well-Known Member
The best timer to buy is a digital timer, only because it's precise. The basic concept of having a relay control a device that turns on and off, any timer will work.
I buy timers that can be turned on/off every 15 min. You basically push the pins in for what times you want them to go off and on.

A digital timer can run up to $20
I buy the other ones because they only cost like $7. All timers don't last forever, they have to be replaced from time to time. The digital ones break down to.
Plus I use like 8 timers.
I have seperate timers running all my lights, pumps, CO2, vents, and fans.