What thoughts make YOU freak out when you baked?


Well-Known Member
I like touchin' when I'm high. Always am leaning on someone or have a hand on their arm or shoulder.... I'm tactile like that.

Some of my high school friends would start in on rants on the "stupid stoners" over lunch... I'd sit there and shrug... quietly wondering if my eyes were too red and if my friends were on to me yet. Turns out no, none of them suspected me. Just goes to show... not all stoners fit stereotypes.

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
fuking shit!!! wow i just went to my friends house to have a midnight blunt and talk business and i drove back to my house high and still had some kush on me, and a cop car just followed me for the longest time until i made a right turn and he went straight... fucking buzz kill!! im just so happy im home...

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
It would seem alot of you have a lot of fear to do with the law and being arrested when stoned?

Which is fair enough, laws are pretty hard in some countries/states...:-?

I wonder what a stoner from a land where dope is not illegal gets tripped out about...?:lol:


Well-Known Member
When i get baked i mostly like to generate new ideas and my every thought is a constant ephipany (if im alone).

but the thing that blows my mind the most is when i think about the government. Not only todays current scam, but of what the govt used to stand for before the united states. I constantly think about how the govt has become an entity for control of people. How we are and always have been puppets to those who hold the weapons of mass destruction. The united states govt is supposed to be of the people for the people, yet really it is nothing but a surrogate source for the wealthy to control the poor/weak/less-intelligent. ...Think about it what does the govt do really? They build more govt. Why? They want more control. People are constantly becoming smarter and faster and better then anyone could have ever imagined and the govt is afraid. they are afraid of NOT being able to control whatever they want. Why do we constantly build machines/weapons that are so advanced that we basically dont even need to lift a finger to kill millions...even billions??? FEARRRRRRRRR If we are afraid of the govt then who are they to fight? ... Our govt is like a HUGGEEEEEE jigsaw puzzle. You have to really think about how bodies of government have treated free-minded people over the years. what did they do? basically people were a source of revenue for the govt or governing body.

..... I could honestly write a book about all i have to say so here at 332am i really dont feel like writing a book lol

..Ill boil it down to this: Think about the matrix, or better yet the terminator movies. What do they have in common? loss of control. We have no control over the govt. yet the govt has ALL the control over us. ...The kicker is that "they" use real citizens as the basis of control, or basically they are puppet masters and we are the puppets. How do we defend against something we cant see hear or touch? It is right in front of our eyes and we do NOTHINGGGGGGG, but really can we do anything? Our own citzens, OUR OWN GOVT, WOULD KILL ANY OF US to stop the loss of control/power. So they silence our voice, they blind our eyes and feed us bullshit until we just say fuck it and let it be.

... The biggest thing that blows my mind is how easy it would be for the united states government to take COMPLETE control of all of us (which they basically have done right in front of our very eyes).

Whatever happened to the idea of freedom? Where did it go after 9/11? ... And what does the future hold? ...These are questions that i constantly ask myself :joint:


New Member
the thing that gets me going mostly when im high is the thought that were all on a moving timeline which inevtiably will end in death. and that there is no stopping it. and then millions of years from now the sun will have eaten up earth and none of this will even be a memory. so basically the realities of space, time, and life get me the most paranoid.

to stop it i just say something ANYTHING to who ever im with to get a convo going cuz i will literally start shaking and yelling cuz ill get so freaked out.

and if im alone ill make weird noises outloud to distract myself from my thoughts.
lol everything you said i do exactly, but i also do the noises when i'm sober to distract myself of any cringeworthy things i've done, like pulling rough girls when i pissed or saying stupid shit