What the hell is this??


Well-Known Member
I have a little plant box on the side of my shed and i decided to throw some seeds in there about 3 weeks ago...and this popped up...It looks just like a marijuana plant but its got three leaves. Does anyone know if this IS actually a pot plant? or is it just some strange thing ive never seen b4? im gonna keep growing it to see what it turns into. If it happens to actually be weed. what would it turn into? something sweet i hope. maybe just more leaves on it? idk thanks for any hints as to what it is. :joint:



Well-Known Member
Looks like pot. Might need to wait till its a bit older to be 100% sure. Ive seen plants with genetic deformities liek that before, they grow out after a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt quite look like cannabis, But you never know.

Something seems off about it besides it having three leaves, not sure though...


Well-Known Member
I hope the three leaves thing makes it a little bigger than normal. and i hope it doesnt grow out either. I'd like to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
it's a mutated strain. it's known as a polyploid. if you're lucky it will continue to grow like that and you might get more yield but usually they resolve themselves after 5 or 6 nodes.
interesting though.


Well-Known Member
I think technically that plant is considered a Triploid.

if you want research polyploids & whorled Phyllotaxy and Triploids


Well-Known Member
Do you by chance live in Springfield next to the radioactive plant? LoL@superhumanmutadsexloveslavestrains. :)) Keep growing it and
start a journal! msg me if you do or say hi in my thread / I'd like to watch!


Active Member
keep posting updated pics, that looks cool......although i doubt an extra leaf will mean any thing unless your making hash.....