What the Hell is this?


Active Member
Bagseed turned hermi... bad news from the beginning. So what the f--- is this? It looks like a bud but its all jacked up. Oh and quick question, do I have to wait till all the buds hairs are brown before I harvest because the top buds are browning but the bottom ones still have white hairs.



Active Member
Jacked up is right! :D

My guess is you over-stressed it too much and it turned plant-retarded.

You can also harvest parts of it at different times, so once one section matures, harvest it and wait on the other parts before cutting them.


Well-Known Member
What light did you grow that with and where? Looks like weak light and a victim of light leaks and or messed up sleep/wake schedules. Like it's started to bud and tried to go back to veg a couple times.