what the fuck!!

john wishmyer

Well-Known Member
literally went from magic to shit over night
sudden droop not light and wilty that comes from under watering.. it seems almost like a claw. its winter in my area and i use hps to supplement over night
any ideas?


john wishmyer

Well-Known Member
Odd looking, looks like it wants to start revegging. Dont think thats it but wierd. Maight be root bound and choking off main stem, just a guess.
also she did accidentally flip my light didnt go off and now shes doing the whole reveg process shes at 2 leafs now going on 3 the she hit this claw bs


Well-Known Member
shit if thats the problem im screwed that pots about 2 feet deep maybe a foot wide. i do have a giant fabric but not sure that would be a the change it needs other than air pruning itself
Ive had roots choke my plants to death, root pruning sounds good to me. So is reveg.cut back on N and claw should go imo. Or could be N sensitive pheno but all same cut?


Well-Known Member
i left her out that day in the dark then the whole flower thing started fast forward to now and shes shooting ones going on twos with the whole claw issue
Id just let it ride, f it! All same cut ld bet on repot bc of reveg. They throw roots going into flower, now shes not in flower so could be a root dieoff problem. Just a thought.
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