What strategy to get the most yield from my compromised setup.


Currently I have 6 plants in an agromax 5x5x6.5 grow tent under a 430 and 4 23w cfl's. I just bought the tent setup and didn't want one I was going to outgrow so I went big even though it is much too large for the grow that I've had going for about 2 weeks now. They were just in the closet before so even if this is too big its still a huge improvement. On my next grow I think i'm going to upgrade to a 600 or 1000 and maybe 2x as many plants but I have to make do with what I have for now.

What can I do to make the best of the setup I have here, I was thinking of topping the plants soon to get them to fill out the generous amount of space they have better, currently I am only 2 weeks in and they are barely past being seedlings at this point. Should I give them a longer veg time as well? I was going to do 30 days but could I get away with more?


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what people claim about using thousands of watts of lights. A plant can only take in no more than 9000 lumens anyways. So calculate your square footage you have and how many lumens you will need to fit that area. Anywhere between 5000 and 9000 lumens is more than enough per plant. SCROG it if you are limited on space, you get more yield anyways scrogging. This isn't a fashion show so who cares if you have gigantic odd looking buds from scrogging.


I'm the exact opposite of limited on space. I have 25sq feet to work with which brings my lumens per square foot to about 2200, and in this space I only have 6 plants. That's why i want to upgrade to like a 600, that would give me almost double that light output in the same space.


New Member
Doesnt mean you have to space your plants out that much. Put them in a sq ftage suitable and position the light properly


New Member
Sound like you can run half the tent full, since you habe those cfls. R they screw in compact cfls? B7mp them up in wattage, ive seen 150 watt cfls. You dont need those but 40ish would b a nice upgrade.