What stoner doesn't like a good accident video?


Post your favourite accidents/crashes? I know it's terrible but for some reason I love watching them!



Well-Known Member

Here's a solid one.. starts out with an innocent family boat ride, and ends up with a mosh pit, flying bodies, and headbanging on board.


Well-Known Member
i kept putting that boat video to 30 seconds.. that is a crazy crash, looks like people get swooshed around in a bucket..

the driver launching across the front at the end looks hilarious


Well-Known Member
i kept putting that boat video to 30 seconds.. that is a crazy crash, looks like people get swooshed around in a bucket..

the driver launching across the front at the end looks hilarious
yup, hahahaa... is why I mentioned mosh pit, flying bodies, and headbanging.. the chick's head banging off the side 2 or 3 times should teach her a few things.


10:27 in the stupid car accident comp that guy obviously didnt learn the rules of the road from Jay and silent Bob! LOL