What sized pot. Beginner.

About what sized pot should i use for my plant to grow nice, big and healthy?

I was thinking a 10inch pot?
But i have no clue so help me out here :)




Well-Known Member
For a nice big plant you wouldn't want anything under a 5 gallon pot at flowering. But slowly transplant into that, let the roots just about fill the container and then move up. I start them in a keg cup, then move them into a 1 gallon, then three, then five gallon.


5 gallon/7.2 liter pot should do nicely usally i start my seedlings out
in a pop bottle then once i see the three point then i tranplant and let them do there thing


Active Member
It depends on the space you have and how big you want the plant. Dont use a 5gal unless you have a minimum of 5-6ft you can use if needed. If you dont plan on going above 3 ft, dont use any size bigger than a 3gal. Saves time, money, soil, water and other problems when wet soil doesnt get used.

Ask youself, how big do I want my plant. How much room do I have to grow with. How much money do I have to spend on wasted space.


Well-Known Member
make sure you have enough room up top...

that should be you're reference point... if the plant's 2 feet when you flower, expect around a 4ft+ plant by the time it finishes.... a 5 gallon pot will grow a 4-5ft plant, and believe you me: ITS GONNA STINK <<-- remember to plan for this, the bigger the plant, the more it'll stink....

you don't want a plant to get too big and touch your light.... it happened to one of my plants my first time (not that long ago)and it burned the top cola and made the plant hermie....


Well-Known Member
Try and keep from transplanting your plant too many times just plant it into the pot you're going to be using for the entire grow a 3 gallon pot should be good or a 5 gallon is also a good choice.


New Member
as a rule of thumb most growers go for 1 gallon of soil per foot of plant.
but i can grow a nice 3ft plant in an 8" pot and thats good enought for me.
i start with 4" pots and transplant into my 8" pots when i see roots appearing through the pots holes at the bottom as people say it depends on your space and how many plants you want to fit in there.