What size Pot

I'm doing my first grow and am wondering if I went with the right size pot. I started my plants in Solo cups then transplanted them into these http://www.hydroponics.net/i/137317 at 3-weeks. I am vegging 9 plants under a 2' 8 lamp 6500k fixture for 2-mounth total. I have 9-clones that I took from the tops of the first nine. I then am going to take those first 9-plants into a separate flower room for 2-mounths with 600w HPS. I have 2-veg and 2-flower lights. The plan is to harvest 9-plants every month. I'm thinking that I might go to a smaller pot. What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
Can't say for sure but that pot looks a little big for a three-week-old plant. I'm guessing it would be fine for an older plant. Website said the pot is about a foot tall, so just speaking for myself, I would wait until a plant was at least six inches tall (or wide if pruned to be bushy) before I put it in that container. Going from a solo cup to a bucket in one step is a pretty dramatic transition.
My thoughts are to not shock the plant anymore then needed. Doesn't putting a plant in shock take away from it growing? That's why I only transplant once. Am I wrong in my thinking.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts are to not shock the plant anymore then needed. Doesn't putting a plant in shock take away from it growing? That's why I only transplant once. Am I wrong in my thinking.
You are correct that plants don't like nasty shocks in general, but when "potting up" you don't want to go straight from a tiny container like a drinking cup straight to something that's so big it could be used for a bucket. Problem is, a little bitty plant in a big container is tricky to water. If you add a cup full of water to all that dirt, it's going to be spread out so thin that the plant might not get enough. If you try to solve the problem by giving it more water, you run the risk of over watering. Google "overpotting" and you'll get a general idea of the arguments against.

Why do you think they call it "weed"? Cuz the stuff is hard to kill if you treat it halfway decent. Cannabis plants don't curl up and die just from being moved to a bigger container, even two or three times. So repotting is not that much of a shock. Overwatering is a major killer.