What size lamp for 36" x 20" x 62" grow tent?


New Member
Depends on what your goals are, but you could use anything from a 400 to a 250 to a 150 supplemented w/floros. Cooling will be key though if you go for a 400.


Well-Known Member
can i get by without cooling with a 250 watt just an inline and exhaust fan?

I was thinking about going with a 400 watt cool tube system but i wasnt sure if it was worth the size tent i plan on using


Active Member
A 400 is good for about 3x3 although I get away with them over a 4'4"x 3'6" area with the next light over helping out on the fringes of the longer side...... the venting issue is hard for us to tell you.......if the tent has a large room to draw from and you keep the temps in the room down, venting through the light might be enough.......or you might need another vent to draw from the tent itself.
You could use a 250 and be fine....but any HID puts out a significant amount of heat so you have to have a plan to deal with it.

I'm not familiar with the tents........is it sealed up? are you planning to use co2? all factors to consider.....can you put the ballast outside the tent??


Well-Known Member
I have not yet purchased anything, I want to be sure of my plan before making any purchases. Can i successfully place the tent in a toolshed if i vent outside even if the toolshed is generally humid and mold prone? What can i do to control conditions inside of the tent?


Active Member
I built a 3' x 2' x 5' tent out of PVC wrapped in panda film. I ran a 250w MH/HPS for flower/veg. during the summer in so cal. Temps and humidity fluctuated and got a lil too hot at times, even with air-cooled hood and 4" inline fan sucking hot air out. I eventually added a cold-air intake using an additional 4" inline fan to suck fresh air from outside. These dramatically helped to keep temps down. Grow turned out great in the end! Let me know if you want more info or pics on my setup/grow.


Active Member
Truthfully I would love to see some pics. Sorry if this is an old thread and all. But i've been working with a 36 x 20 x 62 tent myself and would like to see some setups. To get an idea. I had a 400w in there had to have the tent open all the time. Tryin to get it setup where I can close the bitch up. I lost a lot of light because of the Tent being open and light completely escaping it. Then again. It's tough to find a reflector that would fit in there the way I want it to.


Active Member
i just bought this tent and Im going to be running a 150w HPS in mine. with 2 - 4in duct fans, 1-in 1-out. havent put it up yet but cant wait to try it!