what size buckets should i use in a greenhouse?


I have plans on building a greenhouse, space is not an issue, the ceilings start at around 11 feet and peaks at around 15+ so height is not an issue either. I was wondering what size containers do you think would be optimium? I will be starting from seed and have them transplanted outdoors in the greenhouse when there about 4 feet tall in late april. What do you think? how big of buckets do you think would be optimum? i want the most potential. 20 gallons? 30? 50???

Brick Top

New Member
How long is your growing season? How many months overall? Will you make the very most of it? How long will you be able to veg your plants?


well i will be bringing them into the greenhouse late april. I plan on sprouting the seeds in febuary. so from seed germination and to get to a good clone size maybe another 3-4 weeks.... outdoor harvest is ussually late september- october. they will be put in the greenhouse late april... so 6-7 months from transplant into greenhouse from indoors. so it would be an additional maybe 2 months of vegging, so maybe 6 or 7 months of straight vegging... so you have a decent idea that they will need LARGE containers.. hope this helps.


thanks. well we might not pour a cement flooring in. Its cleaner and nicer, but expensive. If we don't we will take a small bobcat backhoe and dig trenches and fill them with topsoil blend. I personally think the yield will be much larger this way, easily have 70+ gallon trench holes filled with the topsoil blend.