What should I use? In Soil


I transplanted into Foxfarm OF on 4/6/12 with dolomite lime and citrus tone by espoma in the mix. I thought there would be enough nutrients in the mix for at least a month. Growth exploded, the plants doubled in size in the last two weeks. Something is telling me they are already hungry for something but I'm not sure what I should give them.

I have Espoma Citrus tone, Dr. Earth liquid solution & seaweed concentrate, I also Have Kelloggs Tomato and vegetable. I also have a bag of bat guano (12-2-0) and a bottle of Alaska fish emulsion.
There is Lime in the and citrus tone has a good amount of cal/mag so Its hard to think I need more cal/mag...

Things have been going very good in the last few weeks and I don't want to fuck things up. I'm not sure if the discoloration is from heat stress though because my tent has been in the 90s for the last few days. My AC is broke so there's no way to lower the temps.

It looks like Mg, P or N that I'm deficient in I think? What do you think?


The yellowing is starting to spread to the upper fan leaves. Also Petioles seem to be turning more reddish.


Well-Known Member
you said you have a bottle of Alaska fish poop 5-1-1 ? this plant is hungry for nitrogen...If you got that fish poop label on the bottle says wont burn plants then try 1 tablespoon per gallon. I dont have exprience with this Dr. Earth liquid solution & seaweed concentrate, Hopefully someone will chime in. And bat guano is good too...you can top dress on it when you water. But the fish poop should work quicker. To see how it going and come back here.

Happy growing and peace


well I cant find the bat guano, I thought I had it but I think I gave it to a buddy. FML! (there was a bit of time I had quit growing anything so I sold some stuff a gave some stuff to friends)

I used a little mix of the Citrus tone (5-2-6) and kelloggs tomato & veg (3-4-5). Each plant got about 2 heaping teaspoons full of this mix then I watered it in.
If you add up the NPK %s then it equals 8-6-11. Is that bad? I know you should have More Nitrogen then potassium in Veg.

What if I foliage feed with the fish emulsion? Think I'll overfeed? Was thinking 1/2 cap to the gallon. Maybe one cap full?

Here is a better picture of the deficiency.


Don't some of the leaves look like N abundance?



Well-Known Member
I agree this plant got plenty of green shade...but something is wrong with defs in your plant...what kind of strain ? how is old plant is ? and are you using TAP water or RO ? and did you see any werid of insects in the soil ? whats your method of watering, give us more details, please. thanks

Yes you can feed thru foliage, its acting quicker than in the rootzone. You have to remember this 5-1-1, wont burn the plant...but double make sure that you read label first before you do the foliage.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add any more Espoma for a while. I don't top dress with it more than once/month and it takes a couple of weeks to see much of anything from the first application. I use the garden tone however.

That's how people get into trouble with it. Don't see much after a week, add more, then the first application starts becoming available and the second dose burns.

A light foliar with the fish should be ok and see what happens.



Well I should have waited till I read your post, WEt. I applied that second top dressing and watered it in that morning (23rd). I burned them for sure. The biggest plant got the worst burn because I applied a little more to that container. Just like you said, that application at transplant time probably just became available, and then a gave them a second dose. :wall:

It's probably and excess of Nitrogen or maybe just toxic salt build up? Either way Im not sure what to do because Im one week into flowering and I dont want additional stress.

Part of my mind is telling me to just put them in the ground outside and say fuck indoors. But I'm afraid of those Corn earworms that ate last years crop. I applied a Lot of BT/Caterpillar kiler/Neem oil, but they just came back again and again and shit all over my buds.

Here is the history on these plants. They are about two months old now.

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