What should I expect/do with this outdoor situation?


Well-Known Member
thinking about it .. I would keep growing in your spot if nobody knows about it (bring them girls home ;))
if its a safe spot.. you keep it to yourself .. grow in your camper .. its a good excuse for haveing kilos of weed :D
and you can allways brag about the 10 kilos haverst you did in your camper with 1 600W HPS :D
Hahah. Yeah that's good information. I'm definitely going to give some (if not all) of that a try.
I can't believe you were getting 1/4 - 2 lbs PER PLANT! Is that typical? I guess I never really thought of it.

Now I'm trying to do the math. If I dropped a couple hundred seeds, even if only 100 of them grow, and even if only 25% of them are female, I could still be looking at several pounds! That would be wonderful!


Well-Known Member
here is a few outdoor "plants"

I would call em trees but what ever ..


this are not gorrila growing .. this are backyeard plants .. well takeing care off .. a plant like that usealy give 1-2 pound .. Np.

outdoor plants will need atlest 5 hrs of direct sun and of course some sun rest of the day to do well .. 8 hrs is best .. I belive them trees got that ..

but I knew a guy once .. who grew in his back yard or well behind it .. had a hugh garden but only 1/3 was plantet .. down in the back he had trees .. and in between them he grew nice big 2 meter plants who gave a pound each .. and they did´t get more then 2-5 hrs direct sun .. rest was between the leaves of the trees ..

but sumthing I just found out (need to look in to it some more) is that light pass through the leaves (cept green light witch they dont use) so even under a tree they get most of the sun light/colors/beems they need .. all them we cant see (etc. blue/yellow/red aso) remember what you learnd about rainbows ..
Yeah, they'll definitely get enough light where I put them.
I've been doing a lot more reading - I'm not sure what determines whether or not the seeds will actually sprout. I'm hoping at least half of them will..


Well-Known Member
water helps ;)

and yea if you had that many seeds Im sure you will end up with sumthing .. how big are they now ?


Well-Known Member
ok .. bring your phone and take a few pictures so we can see your plants .. and maybe come with some constructiv inputs ..


Well-Known Member
yea seems nice ..temps is good .. humidity is high .. good for now .. hope it drop when they start flowering ..

and try to be a littel optimistic ;) its weed .. it have done it by it own for a long time ..

and you can always use your camper to dry it in before you begin to grow in ther .. would be kind a perfect if you have a good ventilation in ther aswell .. need darkness .. low humidity .. air flow .. and not to hot or cold temps ..
Man.. I didn't see a damn thing out there. But there were a lot more leaves and stuff on the ground than I remember. I'll check it again in a week or two and see if anything is sprouting.


Well-Known Member
how long time since you trow them seeds on the ground ?

also do you still get planty of rain ?

you could remove some of them plants to make room for them seeds to grow up and get light ..

also if you have more seeds ? get em to germinate in water/toilet paper and go and plant some a inch in to ground ..
I thought it was a few weeks, but maybe it's only been a couple. My sense of time is all messed up since I lost my job lol.
It's been raining every 2-3 days and it's also been real bright outside. I don't have any seeds left. :(