What should I expect/do with this outdoor situation?

Hi - thanks for reading. I'll start off by saying that I'm a total noob. I'll end by tossing out some ideas and having some of you give me some pointers, if anyone's willing.

Ok. I played middleman to make a buck and brought a buddy a little smoke. I noticed that he had two bowls, one filled with stems, and one with seeds. I asked wtf he had them sorted for. The stems - his cat loved to eat. The seeds - He tossed in the garbage right before he took it out. He offered them to me, and zipped them up in a baggie.

I got home and had no clue what to do with them. I have roomies, so there's no way I could even think about growing inside. But damn, I had about an ounce of seeds.
Well, this was mid-June, and I figured I couldn't do much this late in the year anyway. So, I went to a remote little wooded area that nobody ever goes to. The only people that have gone there were chicks I banged in my car when I didn't want to know where I lived (I'm not a bastard - there are just too many crazy chicks here). I walked around and simply scattered the seeds over an area of about 20 x 15 feet. Then I left.
Like I said, I figured it was late in the season, and dude was going to throw them away anyway.

I pretty much forgot about it until a few days ago when I was at the bar, and overheard some chick complaining to her friend that now there were pot plants behind her backyard fence because her boyfriend kept tossing seeds out there.

That made me wonder......
SO... I live deep in Louisiana. I mean, like 15 minutes away from the water. It's hot. It's humid as hell. It rains 2-3 times per week, between 15 minutes and several hours. I've seen grubby looking plants literally growing out of ditches here.
The place I tossed the seeds never has animals, other than a few birds. Again, no people ever go there.
That all being said - should I continue to just ignore the things for a few months? Or would it take longer/shorter?? Is it feasible for those seeds to simply grow up and sprout buds? Or do I need to be doing something, here?

I know there's all kinds of stuff I could be doing, as far as pruning, feeding, watering, and so on - but if I didn't do any of that, could any magic happen?

I'll take any answers, advice, and opinions. I'm definitely going to be spending the next few weeks doing a whole lot of research on this stuff - but not so much for outdoor growing. I'm about to get a 28' camper super cheap because it needs new floors and has a very minor roof leak. I can fix that stuff up with no problem. Then, I plan on taking out the appliances, cabinets, etc, and growing in there (because it locks up, and because my roomates won't care as long as it's not in the house).

Thanks a ton in advance!


Well-Known Member
if you don't do anything what will happen is what has been happening without your help for thousands of years. on september 21 in this part of the globe the days and nights will equal out, your plants will start to flower and in between 8 and 12 weeks later you will have flowers that if you're lucky will be good enough to smoke:)
if you don't do anything what will happen is what has been happening without your help for thousands of years. on september 21 in this part of the globe the days and nights will equal out, your plants will start to flower and in between 8 and 12 weeks later you will have flowers that if you're lucky will be good enough to smoke:)
Haha, that's sort of what I figured and hoped. So I'm guessing that the people that seriously baby and nurture their outdoor grows are probably just doing it for better yields and quality, right?
The only thing I don't quite get is that if they do start to flower at the end of September, then they produce buds 2-3 months later, won't the lower temperatures kill off the plants? I mean... it doesn't get cold here, per se, but cold enough to kill flowers and other various plants outdoors.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan ..

boath to just leave them seeds alone (I would .. and keep away from em .. and dont tell anybody .. just forget about em agin) and about the camper :)

about the seeds .. why wast time and effort .. why not just let nature do its stuff .. not like you bought expensiv seeds and did a lot or work ..

only thing I might do ..
if I notice a long period with no rain ..a week or so .. I would maybe fill up a few containors with water and drive out ther and check on em at the same time .. beside that dont bother ..


Well-Known Member
below 45F is the point at which cold damage COULD occur. but i don't think in LA you'll have that problem. lucky bastard:P


Well-Known Member
Ooh and only thing you get from starting late .. is less yild .. smaller plants .. dont worry ..

when you go and check on em once a week or whatever ?
you schould look for flowers/white hairs .. thats the sign of females and a sign of flowering (witch in most cases last 8-10 weeks)
then you need to keep a eye on em .. once the white hairs is 80% brown/oranges its time to haverst (the real way is with a microcope but with a low budget gorilla grow like yours I wouldnt bother)

if you dont want to many seeds in your smoke .. you schould see if you can find them males in time (ballsaks insted of white hairs) and ditch them (in a plastick bag carefully and tape it up and bring it in the car and ditch it on your way home)
sounds like a plan ..

boath to just leave them seeds alone (I would .. and keep away from em .. and dont tell anybody .. just forget about em agin) and about the camper :)

about the seeds .. why wast time and effort .. why not just let nature do its stuff .. not like you bought expensiv seeds and did a lot or work ..

only thing I might do ..
if I notice a long period with no rain ..a week or so .. I would maybe fill up a few containors with water and drive out ther and check on em at the same time .. beside that dont bother ..
Well... the camper idea sounded good because... I don't know why, really. It seems like everyone goes on and on about nutrients and special lighting and all that crazy stuff. I figured it would make for a bigger harvest and better buds. Otherwise, why would anyone bother with all that stuff?
below 45F is the point at which cold damage COULD occur. but i don't think in LA you'll have that problem. lucky bastard:P
Yeah - you'd be thinking "lucky" too if it was a humid 95 degrees and your car's AC went out - and the driver's window wouldn't roll down. I swear, the only good thing this environment for is what I'm hoping to accomplish out there in the woods. hahah. But it does every so often drop down to 35-40 during a winter night. So... what should I do then?
Ooh and only thing you get from starting late .. is less yild .. smaller plants .. dont worry ..

when you go and check on em once a week or whatever ?
you schould look for flowers/white hairs .. thats the sign of females and a sign of flowering (witch in most cases last 8-10 weeks)
then you need to keep a eye on em .. once the white hairs is 80% brown/oranges its time to haverst (the real way is with a microcope but with a low budget gorilla grow like yours I wouldnt bother)

if you dont want to many seeds in your smoke .. you schould see if you can find them males in time (ballsaks insted of white hairs) and ditch them (in a plastick bag carefully and tape it up and bring it in the car and ditch it on your way home)
Awesome advice guys, keep it coming!!!
So... when should I check again? A month or so?
I'm not sure I fully understand about the 80% brown/oranges, so I'll probably just take pictures whenever they start to grow and see what you guys think by then. :)
How far does the pollen go? I def don't want to drive around with plants, so I'll probably tear up the males and toss them a couple hundred yards away.
I don't mind SOME seeds, so I can get even more plants next season. I'm also going to look into cloning, but that sounds difficult to do outdoors like I am.

That reminds me of another question. When the plants die off or whatever during the winter - will they re-grow in the spring, or will I need to plant all new ones??


Well-Known Member
Yeah - you'd be thinking "lucky" too if it was a humid 95 degrees and your car's AC went out - and the driver's window wouldn't roll down. I swear, the only good thing this environment for is what I'm hoping to accomplish out there in the woods. hahah. But it does every so often drop down to 35-40 during a winter night. So... what should I do then?

keep a eye on night temps/wether cast ..
hope your plants is done before (I reccon they will) or haverst before it hit .. tho Weed is strong .. one night with minuse 1-2C will mostlikely not hurt em ..


Well-Known Member
no .. its a one year plant .. and dont worry about cloning yet .. use them seed .. get a hang of it .. do a runn in your camper . in the mean time do a lot of research .. then maybe try if you like .. I dont bother .. clons is for big scale indoor growers I belive ..

I see if I can find some pictures for you to show you how they will look ..


Well-Known Member
and pollen can travel fare .. is`t ther a littel lake or strem running near .. ditch them ther in the water .. make the pollen wet ..

and dont worry about seeds .. you will get some im sure .. just so you dont end up with some smoke that take longer to clean for seeds then the effect you get from smokeing it ..


Well-Known Member
this is a few pics or my plant:


pictures is from day one to day 80 or so ..

I begon to flower em 5 weeks ago .. so I reccon the last pictures have 3 weeks left .. them white hairs you see is the flowers/buds them you like to smoke .. they will grow bigger and bigger untill they begin to brown (like the tress at fall)

when around 80% of the hairs is brow its time to cut em .. its realy the small crystals you schould look for .. but then you need atlest a 30X microcope .. 100X is better then look for the crystals go from clear to cloudy .. when they begin to go amber its time ..

for best product its importent to haverst at the right time .. your window will be like 2 weeks .. to do it in .. early give usealy high smoke and late haverst often end up in stoned smoke so to speak ..

hope this help a littel .. and I also had a changes to show off a bit ;)
this is a few pics or my plant:

pictures is from day one to day 80 or so ..

I begon to flower em 5 weeks ago .. so I reccon the last pictures have 3 weeks left .. them white hairs you see is the flowers/buds them you like to smoke .. they will grow bigger and bigger untill they begin to brown (like the tress at fall)

when around 80% of the hairs is brow its time to cut em .. its realy the small crystals you schould look for .. but then you need atlest a 30X microcope .. 100X is better then look for the crystals go from clear to cloudy .. when they begin to go amber its time ..

for best product its importent to haverst at the right time .. your window will be like 2 weeks .. to do it in .. early give usealy high smoke and late haverst often end up in stoned smoke so to speak ..

hope this help a littel .. and I also had a changes to show off a bit ;)
Man, that's nice. I know I must have thrown out a few hundred seeds. I hope I get a good yield because I won't be able to grow outdoors during the winter, so I hope I get a good stash to last.
So in those pictures, how much longer did you have to wait to harvest?


Well-Known Member
lol .. Im still waiting .. 3 weeks more I reccon .. Im waitng for them hairs to begin to brow anyday soon now ..

then I will watch them crystals/tricoms with my 100x micro and see when they turn from clear to cloudy (= THC) a sign that they all are ready is them begining to turn amber (CBN) then haverst time ..

if you want to do just a littel work ?

you could go on a nice littel forest walk alone .. bring a littel water maybe .. and a littel hand shovel .. remove the grow beside them plants .. like a foot around em .. no competision for room/nutriens aso.

do your mom/girl/roommate have normal house plants ? do they use fertilizer ?

if not go to a normal plant shop/garden shop and get some normal nutriens ...for tomatos (come close enough)

or sticks .. they are like perfect .. can also get small balls like stuff .. cost like 5$ or so .. they are long lasting

DSC00395 (2).jpg

plug one in 4 inchs away from each plant or just spread them around in the eare wher they are... if ther are many ?
you could also remove some .. if they are to close .. and you can also keep em low by topping em but thats a hole other storie ..

check on em once a week or when it have been dry for a long time or after a storm/bad wether ... remove other plants right next to em ..
dont leave any garbags .. actualy remove it if ther is some .. dont let Ppl. passing by know somebody els is useing this spot for sumthing ..

and dont tell ... anybody .. sucks so hard to come out with bags and cutters .. just to discover somebody els have been ther a day early :(

also why you dont tell .. dont go ther all the time .. and find a reason for going ther (like running in the woods /watching birds or sumthings)
dont make trails .. dont leave anything behind .. dont steal other Ppl. grow .. its not nice ..

and I also used to find atlest two diffrent spots .. and maybe a littel "bad spot" for total back up if all els fail ..
keep em low .. LTS is temting .. but then dont use oranges strings .. use green .. topping is the way if you ask me .. keep em shot as bushes .. also give nice yild if you ask me .. but most importent .. Ppl. wont spot em from miles away .. even Ppl. who know what it is have to stand right next to em to discover them if you make em look anything but weed ..
I'll definitely check into that stuff.

I won't be telling anyone, that's for sure. My biggest fear is having my stuff stolen - can't do much about that. But I'll keep an eye on it and try that other stuff too. :)


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea .. and if you get so many .. then dont worry about best haverst time .. jsut wait for oranges/brown hairs and then begin to take a plant a day or so .. also avoyd all your crop being stolen in the end .. do it over a week or two ..

that way you will also experiance how diffrent haverst time give you diffrent smoke .. and maybe find what is best for you ?

as I said ..early haverst = high feeling ... late haverst = stoned ..


Well-Known Member
Well... the camper idea sounded good because... I don't know why, really. It seems like everyone goes on and on about nutrients and special lighting and all that crazy stuff. I figured it would make for a bigger harvest and better buds. Otherwise, why would anyone bother with all that stuff?

well why Ppl. bother with indoor growing is Bc. they dont have the option to grow outdoors ..

out doors give way better yild .. I hope for +200 grams on my two plants indoors .. when I grew outdoors a plant usealy gave between 1/4 and two pounds depending on strain and the summer we had (Im in Denmark so pretty cold and wet summers sumtimes)

its also much more easy .. not so much care .. in the ground they more or less take care of them self .. a littel water and some nutriens and TLC is what make the plant yild two pounds insted of 200 grams ..

but agin .. thats also in a backyard .. gorilla grow is diffrent .. for once the possibility for somebody stealing your plants is way bigger and you can keep a eye on em either aso ..

but still they can give a good smoke with a littel work ..

how I would do a gorrila grow:

find two good spots .. get some long lasting fertilizer and spred it out in the fall ..

start the plants inside in may (when frost is about to end) and then plant them out a month later when they are big enough to witstand bad wether and have good roots and hight to compeet with other plants ..

I would clean the ground wher I will grow em .. I will dig nice 1x1x1 foot holes and fill em with a nice soil mixture (that is a sciens in its self .. but some wormcasting and other nutriens fild meterials)

I would plant them spread out in them holes with the nice soil bed ..

I would come by evry week on my weekly jogging .. with my bag with the stuff I need ..

I would top em to keep em low and look like bushes .. when they begin to flower the nutriens in the ground is mostlikely gone and I also want sumthing els .. a kilo of Bat guano powder (20$) spread out and some watering and then nothing more untill haverst ..

and I wouldnt even tell my mom .. or Gf .. specialy not friends .. you know how it is .. I know somebody .. bla bla bla .. dont tell anybody I told ..