what should i do in this situation


Well-Known Member
if i cant hang them to dry in my house could i build a little dry shack in the woods or would the cold michigan temperatures in october ruin my harvest, please leave some advice


Well-Known Member
You're seriously considering building a shack to dry your buds in?

I'd do it at a friends, or rent a shitty motel room for a week if I was that worried about mommy and daddy finding out. Around here there's all sorts of little riverside shacks/trailers you can rent for like $50 a week, me and a couple friends do it like once a month. Try to find a spot like that?

Plus, they're usually pretty shady spots, I'm sure you could 'slang' a couple nugs why'll you're there and offset the cost. That beats the hell out of material for a shed.

BTW, they'res a forum for these questions.


Well-Known Member
Build a shack. That could be kinda fun.

If someone ever asks you why you're building a shack, you could be like, "it's a love shack, baby!"

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
There could be a ton of reasons why someone can't put it in their house during this highly stinky phase. Teenagers, paranoid wife, trailer park, apartment, dorm room, lots of visitors including in laws, the list goes on.

A shack sounds cool. A tent may work. Ropes and tarps if made with a ridge so water can run off them may do the job. Renting a U-haul trailer could be the ticket if you clean the thing out big time when you are done. I wouldn't put it in someone else's house though for several different reasons.

One thing I would be concerned about with some of those options is how much light is going to get in (cuz you need it open somewhat for ventilation) and if that light is going to have a huge detrimental effect. Lack of moisture control or a hard freeze could both be issues too. Maybe someone else could elaborate more on the light, moisture and freezing while drying/curing topics. I am curious about those.