what should i do if my plants are or maybe will get too big


Active Member
so my ladies were veged from seed for one month.

they are maybe 4 days into flowering 12 12 cycle.

i have attached the pic of my grow box so you can see what it looks like

the plants have presex things but have not developed sex organs yet.

so what should i do? i think they are gonna end up growing too big. i can't change the size of the grow box, or the box itself, i gotta stick with this setup. its all the room i have in my very small apartment

any ideas? should i be tying them down? is it too late to do that? should i cut them?

oh this is only my second grow, and my first one died before i got to harvest. so i'm mainly looking for the easiest/most non invasive idea for a noob like me. i really don't wanna kill these before harvest this time lol

Thank you for your help!

oh and btw, the picture looks like i might have cut top of box off, but no, the top of the picture is literaly the top of the box



Active Member
so my ladies were veged from seed for one month.

they are maybe 4 days into flowering 12 12 cycle.

i have attached the pic of my grow box so you can see what it looks like

the plants have presex things but have not developed sex organs yet.

so what should i do? i think they are gonna end up growing too big. i can't change the size of the grow box, or the box itself, i gotta stick with this setup. its all the room i have in my very small apartment

any ideas? should i be tying them down? is it too late to do that? should i cut them?

oh this is only my second grow, and my first one died before i got to harvest. so i'm mainly looking for the easiest/most non invasive idea for a noob like me. i really don't wanna kill these before harvest this time lol

Thank you for your help!

oh and btw, the picture looks like i might have cut top of box off, but no, the top of the picture is literaly the top of the box
I would just rig up your lights better you can still get like 16 inches of space if you do somethin with your lights.


Active Member
i'm def goning to do something with the lights, and yeah its about 14-16 inches more but will that be enough room to flower them?

at that point they would be about 24 inches tall or so.

will that be enough?


Active Member
'looks like you've got sufficient room if you fix your light setup...
though it probably wouldn't have hurt to veg longer...
but if things really get out of control then you can always tie them down (which is a good idea anyway to increase your yield).


Active Member
is there an optimal time to tie them down? they could do with more veg time, but these are just mixed seeds i have collected over the years, and since starting these, my buddy gave me like 2 or 3 bags of fem seeds of some good strains from a friend of his who grows. so.... i'm real interested in flowering these asap and getting the next set going lol

should i just say F it and tie them down to the side of the pot now? i have them planted correctly off to one side of each's pot because i had actually thought ahead at this at one point haha


Active Member
is there an optimal time to tie them down? they could do with more veg time, but these are just mixed seeds i have collected over the years, and since starting these, my buddy gave me like 2 or 3 bags of fem seeds of some good strains from a friend of his who grows. so.... i'm real interested in flowering these asap and getting the next set going lol

should i just say F it and tie them down to the side of the pot now? i have them planted correctly off to one side of each's pot because i had actually thought ahead at this at one point haha

i don't know about "optimal"... i tie down during veg as soon as the branching can accommodate it without tearing. prob wouldn't hurt to tie down now and it'll def help things along for you in flower since you're giving the flowering nodes more lateral surface area for light exposure. i hear ya about wanting to get the next grow going (ah, the many plans for tinkering in that "next one"! :mrgreen: ), but so yeah, i'd put 'em in bondage now... not much work and you're likely to increase your yield at the other end (even if it is "only" miscellaneous bag seed)...
next grow, veg long (c10 weeks) with yer good beans & you'll be happy with the results! :blsmoke:


Active Member
thank you! you've made the decision for me, imma figure it out now and tie em down, and post some pics

yeah the next grow will be much different. start them out in big pots (instead of solo cups) start with the correct ammount of lights in stead of the way i've been adding on over the month... hmmm what else.... better light support system then dowels ducktaped together and then to the pots... better soil, soil drainage rocks at the bottom

i'm having so much fun growing pot, i spent all summer growing a tomato garden also, so at the same time i started the pot growing. and as you can tell i'm really stoned cause none of this actually matters to this post haha

Brick Top

New Member
Maybe the way to look at it best so you then get the most with what you now have to work with is to consider your lighting capability. If it looks like you have enough growing height to allow your plants to grow to full height do you have enough lighting to provide adequate lighting to the lower portions of the plants so you see any production at all or just popcorn or will you be able to provide light to brow acceptable respectable buds?
If your lighting will handle it and you can reposition it to gain enough height and keep up production I say use it. If not you may want to explore some technique to keep your plants low but not to assure head/height room but to try to keep as many leaves and protruding budsites as possible in as confined narrow of layer as possible so you can then use your lighting to the fullest.
Maybe that’s not an option but sometimes looking at it from a different angle can if nothing else clarify and solidify what you already felt to be best but were still somewhat unsure of.


Active Member
now that i tied them down, and i have over head lights, do you think i should get some more lights to position along the sides?


Active Member
wow, thanks guys, since i tied them down yesterday afternoon, they have already grown like an inch to a half inch, and set themselves up propper upright.

never thought it would be that fast


Active Member
keep tying 'em and yo! get that butt out of your grow space unless you want your product to reek/taste like an ashtray.


Active Member
haha yeah i didn't even realize i had it in my hand till after i loaded the pictures lol.

wake and bake with the gravity bong is not always the best idea...

now what do you mean by keep tying them, should i keep the tie in the same place and just keep pulling it down, or do i eventually untie it, and then re tie it, when it gets taller?


Active Member
haha yeah i didn't even realize i had it in my hand till after i loaded the pictures lol.

wake and bake with the gravity bong is not always the best idea...

now what do you mean by keep tying them, should i keep the tie in the same place and just keep pulling it down, or do i eventually untie it, and then re tie it, when it gets taller?

'suppose it's all a matter of personal preference and technique, but the idea is that the plant is going to constantly phototrope in the vertical [presuming a light source above the plant], so you want to continue to encourage/force horizontal development so that the maximum number of flowering nodes can develop along the stem...
[edit: or really, so that the flowering nodes along the stem are allowed maximum development]

see here for a nice description with some helpful accompanying images for ideas ==> https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=685

you'll of course need to tailor things to your particular setup, but the principles are constant.


ps w&b in itself is always a good idea, it's just the secondary consequences that are sometimes less than desirable... ;-)


done the same bro,let mine go till 6 half feet then put them in2 flowering lights burnt the fck out of them. ive just cut them right down till 2 feet put them back in2 veg and hopin 4 the best my first time at it its a fckin nightmere .hope all works out 4u good luck.


hi, plants look nice. I AM NO CFL expert but I think you maybe should consider just keeping the strongest female and ditching the other 2. even with the training, which I agree is great idea in your space and always a good idea with low wattage lights. I think you would get similar yield and certainly denser juicerier nugs concentrating on one plant.

all that assuming you get more than one female.

whatever you chose I wish you success


Active Member
thank you all for your help!

i am hoping for 2 out of the three to be females, but i'd be happy with one. i am thinking at this point maybe another 3 or 4 days before i can tell.

once i do sex them, i'm probably going to go and get a bunch more lights though


Active Member
'suppose it's all a matter of personal preference and technique, but the idea is that the plant is going to constantly phototrope in the vertical [presuming a light source above the plant], so you want to continue to encourage/force horizontal development so that the maximum number of flowering nodes can develop along the stem...
[edit: or really, so that the flowering nodes along the stem are allowed maximum development]

see here for a nice description with some helpful accompanying images for ideas ==> https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=685

you'll of course need to tailor things to your particular setup, but the principles are constant.


ps w&b in itself is always a good idea, it's just the secondary consequences that are sometimes less than desirable... ;-)

oh that website is awesome. now i get what they ment when i was reading about training them in a circle.

i retied them (just pulled them down more) last night, the main stalk is nearly verticle at this point, i'm going to pull them down again tonight, wait another day, and then start going in a circle around the pot.


Active Member
i retied them (just pulled them down more) last night, the main stalk is nearly verticle at this point, i'm going to pull them down again tonight, wait another day, and then start going in a circle around the pot.
just be sure to be careful when you tie 'em...
it's not a bad idea to "counter-tie" the stalk for support ('dont want to be pulling the plant, roots and all, out of your grow medium afterall!) and, when tieing stems, make sure that you go easy so you don't tear them from the stalk!

the rule here is the same as what you should always keep in mind with your nutes (albeit with a somewhat different meaning): low and slow!



Active Member
awesome, didn't think about counter tying the other side of the stalk. that's part of my project today.

and yeah i'm sure its gonna take a bit to tie them around the pot, i was just looking at them and realized i gotta probably wait 2 - 3 nodes each time before even trying to tie it the next time.

thank you so much for the info!