what part of 12/12 cycle do you water?


is it better to water when lights first go on,,,or right before they go off? or does it really matter? bagseed,,2 weeks into flower,,,mg soil . no nutes yet. 300 watts cfl--2 plants. pot441 010.jpgpot441 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
Always water them when the lights come on. Leave the Fan leaves on. Get some Cal-mag.

You do have an over water issue since you don't have enough drainage due to insufficient perlite in your soil/ Coco mix.


thanks...will be watering first thing in the am when lights first come on,,will be adding 1 tsp epsom salt (boiled in water first) and 1 tsp black strap molasses. then add to 1 gal water (rainwater) then test ph and adjust to get 6.5 1/2 gal water for each plant.....is this ok? or should they get more water at each watering? 2.5 gal pots they were last watered 7 days ago,,,as you saw I had a overwater prob. so they are dried out now...put my fingers down almost to bottom of pot and its pretty dry.