What Nutrients????


Well-Known Member
I would use it like you would carboload.Everytime you water in the bloom cycle.It's carbohydrates that the plant uses up in the flowering cycle to product larger buds.One table spoon per gallon of water. Peace


Well-Known Member
That is what I am confused about. Everything says when you water. Well in DWC i am always watering. Do I mix it up when I mix the rest of the nutes and then also add every time i top up my res? Im confused please help me.:joint:


Active Member
yeah just mix it in with ur regular nutes. By the way, i remember you had a question about when to start using nutes. My babies have been in 1/8th strength big grow for a couple days now and they're lovin it. I started once they had all grown their first set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sticky, I think I will use a weak maybe 100ppm solution for the rockwool but other than that I will not add nutes untill I place them in the bubbler wich will be after the roots show through the cubes (this maybe a few days or a week). The mix will probobly be 1/5 strength and I will move up from there. Does this sound like a good plan?


Well-Known Member
Every nutrient line out there has similar products available, i dont think it really matter which one, they will all achieve similar results, its mostly preference. In hydro I use ionic hardwater formula, but thats because its suits me. Before i used to use optimum which was two part so instead of having grow you would have grow a and b and bloom a and b, I didnt like that as I had to measure them out more. Really though its down to which ones going to suit you, do you want organic or not, do you want to just use grow and bloom or do you want supplements too. Have a read around the various companies go for one that you like the sound of.

If you dont like the nutrient finish the bottle and then change to something else.


Well-Known Member
Thanks NGT. I am looking for something that is hard to burn plants with just to get the first grow in the books. I have decided to go with the Fox Farm Grow Big and Bloom Big and Tiger Bloom. I think that these three will get me started. I have also read a little about molasses and it seems like a cheap additive that wont hurt to try at 2.50 USD. After reading more about the nutes available and price matching them I came to a conclusion. Fox Farm would only be a few dollars more then GH and a few dollars less then AN. Also the advertisements from the manufacture's website seem very similar. I would also like to stay as close to organic as i can, this is another reason i chose the Fox Farm nutes.