What MMJ patient avatars should look like


Well-Known Member
I dont think he sees how it all works hippy.
look what happened to the goat when he ate the last Pile 'O' SWHAGS

make sure ya help him when he gets home..


The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I dont think he sees how it all works hippy.
look what happened to the goat when he ate the last Pile 'O' SWHAGS

make sure ya help him when he gets home..

He's just skidding along on his rear legs now...poor baby, The LP Legal Producer schwagg fucked his brain up. It happens when you smoke that crap...


Well-Known Member
Ever wonder what you could accomplish if you put your energy towards something productive?

It's a shame hippy, just when I thought you could be civil. You sure showed me!