what litre pots and how many in a 1m2 tent ???


silly question but how many pots and what litre would be best to use recomend for maximum yeild in a 1 meter by 1 meter grow tent using a 600 watt light???


Active Member
thought that myself cheers. but would more smaller pots produce more or waste of time ??

No you don't want smaller pots in my experience. I would say you could go 3, maybe 4 plants unless you have some compact strain. Most of my plants grown on purely CFL have taken about anywhere from 24-30" wide and 3'+ tall. I have done about 3 grows. Don;t get carried away of you are a new grower. I have about the same grow space except mine is about 3.5 x 1 meter and I was pretty overcrowded with 4 plants, plus I do not have enough light for that at around 300w actual CFL. I can get an oz. or better from a plant with what I have and I am happy with that. I may try a SCROG as this seems to produce larger yields if you have the light.