what leaves tiny holes in the leaves?


Active Member
it could also come from foliar feeding when the lights are on....happened to me overnight...the water acts as a magnifying glass and BURNS a hole.
I thought it was a joke at first! (as in we were going to get an amusing answer when we check the thread).

In all honesty there are lots of things that like weed just as much as we do but if there are spider webs around, mites are very likely. I hear that you can make a nicotine insectisde which doesnt use nasty chemicals (something many people don't want near their weed during the later stages of flowering).

Dunk 2 cigs in a litre and a half of water and bring to the boil. Allow it to cool and sit over night and lightly spray on the plants. The nicotine acts as a toxin and kills the little fuckers. Hope this is some (if any) help! good luck :-D

thanks i will try this :)