What kinda system? (noob)

so im seriously thinking about going hydro but have some questions im in a toss up of dwc or ebb and flow i think its called the ebb and flow system has a 55gallon drum as a resevoir and hoses that run to buckets that appear to be around 5gal bucekts i like the way this system seems to function can move the plants around and spread them out once they get bushy but the dwc system looks awesome as well only problem i have is it looks like the plants would get too crowded in the dwc trays ive seen now i havnt seen any in real life only pics from online and in store catalogs the one im looking into is an 8 pot dwc system how much space is around the pots on a system like that also i thought that plant crowding was a bad thing since the plants are grown hydroponically does it not matter if they are crowded


Active Member
The space you need to run any system (even soil) is highly dependent on your growing ambitions. I do a ScrOG so my plants are pretty fucking crowded, but I like it that way.
As for what hydro setup to go for; I did a diy flood and drain system and would never go back to soil, but I like low maintenance. DWC takes a little bit of work, really any system where the plants are CONSTANTLY being watered requires work and attention. In the end though more work usually results in better yields. So the real question is how much work are you willing to put in for yields that may only be slightly better. IMO yield capacity kind of falls off a cliff after flood and drain when comparing yield vs effort. Soil requires individually watering plants every 2-3 days which eventually becomes a horrible pain. Flood and drain only requires the reservoir to be replenished every two weeks and the pH to be balanced in the reservoir every 1-2 days. Much less work in my opinion. DWC, Aero, and any other setup other then drip will end up a lot more work then flood and drain, for slight to fair increases in yield over flood and drain. Worth it to some, not to others. Your call.


Active Member
Hey bro, I use 4 power growers, timed my drip output on 1 power strip. Each one has it's own nute/water level so each has to be filled accordingly. U could hook em up to a main res but it's $$$$


Well-Known Member
i would say powergrowers or waterfarms also easy to manage big possibilities
and with single stand alone systems if there r problems wit one plant it is less likely to spread to others


Well-Known Member
Best system that isn't vertical is an XPS ebb and flow table. They are super cheap to build, super flexible, clean, light weight and really hard to fuck up. The trick is to use a bunch of 5 gallon buckets as the table, that way you have a portable table that holds thousands of pounds, won't sag and is water proof.