What kind of larvae are these???


Well-Known Member
I would be so upset.. How often do you lift the plants out of that tray thing. I am guessing you had a buildup of dead foliage/dirt all mixxed up down their & some bug came along to lay its eggs.


Well-Known Member
I would be so upset.. How often do you lift the plants out of that tray thing. I am guessing you had a buildup of dead foliage/dirt all mixxed up down their & some bug came along to lay its eggs.
Nah... I clean the drain pans once a week because of my OCD (joking but I might as well have it). This was the first time I noticed them. I've noticed gnats but never to the point where I thought they were an issue. Fuckin FF OF soil... never again.


Well-Known Member
Not nice finding those bastards!
I'm going to stick my neck out now. Most larvae infestations are brought indoors by certain batches of contaminated medium!
I've been at week 2 before now in flower with john inns #2 and seen these fuckers in their thousands. Not good.
FFOF seams to be riddled with larvae by most accounts recently.
Have a search for westland mutipurpose, not sure if you have that shit there?


Active Member
people waste their time posting here to help you and you want to act smart? if you are so smart solve the problem yourself .


Well-Known Member

Google symphilids and see what you can find out on your bugs.Hope it's not what you have as they do serious damage to roots.And with these fellas your roots don't heal after they chew on them.Do they crawl,hop around?

Are you having any issues with your plants?

Either way.....some neem and tobacco in water will dispose of them.Soak about a packs worth od tobacco in a gl of water for 2-3 day,add1/2 tbls of neem,and water through.I buy the bigger bag of tobacco unrolled as if i was to buy by the pack it would be a bit costly.


Active Member

Google symphilids and see what you can find out on your bugs.Hope it's not what you have as they do serious damage to roots.And with these fellas your roots don't heal after they chew on them.Do they crawl,hop around?

Are you having any issues with your plants?

Either way.....some neem and tobacco in water will dispose of them.Soak about a packs worth od tobacco in a gl of water for 2-3 day,add1/2 tbls of neem,and water through.I buy the bigger bag of tobacco unrolled as if i was to buy by the pack it would be a bit costly.

Great post Dankster. Couldn't have said it myself. I did the Googling you suggested for the OP and saw that those 'pedes can be quite a problem to cannabis plants. I wonder if there is a link between the soil and the issue as some suggested. If they like roots, thats a geat place to lie dormant and wait for conditions to improve. Perhaps they hitch a ride in some of the humus from the suppliers the soil company uses.

While those look like fairly large critters, its good to point out that there are SO MANY things that make their living in soil.

The "uninformed" pretty much look at 'dirt' as a fairly inert substance. Then one begins to learn that earth, especially healthy earth - is very much alive. As gardeners, we water, feed, mix soils, etc to help maintain that ecosystem so it can have a fairly controlled symbiotic relationship with our plants. However, one side of the story which is forgotten is that someone else loves all of those micronutrients/organisms (bacteria) as well. Those can be dubbed "macro-organisms", although I don't think thats a real term. The best example to think of are worms, the best decomposers in the world - but I'm talking smaller. Instead of getting your hands dirty for 10 years like I did, just go blow on the base of a few house plants and watch all the spring tails that jump out at you!

Best of luck.



Well-Known Member
Pardon me if this has been sugested i dont have time to read the whole thread rite now i will tommorrow. But i wanted too give some sugestions out there. Im gonna say they are Root Magots and that would explain the Hygro washing them out. But i was also considering fungas gnats. I will check back.


Well-Known Member
After speaking to a few people at my boys hydro shop today I came to the realization that the hygrozyme could have hurt more than helped. The hygrozyme breaks down dead organic matter for the plant but at the same time it's giving the larvae more food to thrive on. It was recommended that this far along in flower (8 weeks starts today) to not attempt treating it anymore and make sure I give straight water for the last 3 feeds. I guess the next feed will be the last nutrient solution before harvest... then all water from there on out.


Well-Known Member
So they are fungus gnat larvae? Guess I've never seen them in such huge quantities. So do you have more gnats flying around now? After this grow is complete I would seriuosly think about throwing out all my soil. Start fresh. Clean everything. Go on a Joan Crawford rampage and scrub scrub scrub. The good part is they only live in the soil. The flying gnats themselves get trapped in the triches. Which is kinda gross but they get trimmed off anyways. Could of been worse.