What kept you smokin weed?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

Just wondering what kept everyone on here smokin and when your recreational activities turned into your life long lover :]bongsmilie.


Well-Known Member
Yay First Post! What kept me coming back was simple, Memories. Some of the best memories i have with my friends were because we were fucked out of our skull. But when im by myself, Music when high will keep me coming back forever!


Well-Known Member
Ill definitely second that. Music and Marijuana go together like rain and Seattle
which is why I'll never move to washington.

: )

I stick with it because I enjoy how being high keeps me on the upside of things, I always get happy over little things, like finding a penny, or seeing a bird. It's just an uplifting experience for me.


Well-Known Member
I smoke weed because i enjoy the feeling it gives me, if i did not i would not. Right?

I do things because i enjoy doing them, and i try my best not to do things i hate.

I'd assume anyone with half a brain wouldn't do something they hated again if they didn't have to.



Well-Known Member
Hah, why i smoke weed... Well actually me saying all these bad things about these marijuana patients.... i thought they suck'd ^^ cuz it was like cheatin... but tbh. i had migrane problems as a child.. since i am smoking weed i dont have a headache its been prob about 1400 days that i havnt seen weed.. meaning that i smoke evryday all day, when i got time and when i have the power to.

2. I just lööööööveeee weed :P

3. I just löööööööveeee weeed :P

4. i just ;P kidding well cuz i just love weed

shit.. i just love it ^^

anyway.. i love it.. but my headaches have gone.. i can tell u thing, if i dont have a smoke in 6 hours from the last one.. i start getting a headache ^^ has happend evry time i ran out of weed :(

I hope switzerland makes this law legal ! meaning that i can go to the doctor and tell him that weed cured my headaches and no shit !


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when I'm blue, I blame the Beatles and marijuana for tempting me to pick up that guitar or plink around on that old upright piano.
In what became a lifelong semi-pro career (nightclubs, bars, a few shows) pot made learning these instruments an excellent adventure rather than a boresome chore. I mean shit, Man . . . it was new. VERY few guitar players around before 1963, LOT's in 65'! It's THAT simple.
Have we any idea how many artists joined the "modern day Renaissance" that began peaking in the 60's and still thrives in many today?

I'm almost 60, retired from playing, in '00 (guitars and singing /pills,bored) and haven't played piano in probably 30 years, despite there being one ten feet behind me, and in pretty good tune (or was?)
That's why I grew my last crop . . . hoping it'd kick-start my songwriting abilities. I even have the ear and inside help of a N-Ville BIG player/producer . . . HUGE, actually.

Anyway, I wasn't smoking any pot while I was in the clubs for almost 30 years . . . it interfered with my drinking, which was always included in the gig . . . and now it's now. I don't drink alcohol anymore.

I can, however, smoke two-hits of my last cure, walk over to that dusty upright, pull up a seat and still, after probably 35-40 years, within a few minutes, be playing note for note, ALL the songs on The Band's Big Pink AND The Bands' THE BAND LP's.
These are not easy, 12 bar blues tunes (JohnnyBGoode), but are quite complex musical arrangements, IMO.

Now I realize a lot of you have no idea who The Band were. They were great, that's all ya need to know, really.
Basically, in the later 60's there were two musical camps (out East, anyway) Folks chose between the Allman Brothers and The Band, which were essentially lifestyles.
Allman followers wore/wear wife-beater T's, have tats, drink whiskey, know how to party, like loud rock n' roll, lots of blond males.
"Band" followers wore/wear flannel, grew beards and drink wine. More artsy.
You can still tell who went which way in today's 50+ crowd.
Those who know will know what I'm saying.
I really don't think this would be possible had I not taken those tunes apart as a young warrior, patience only the wonder of pot and music together could possible provide. How they survive in my head, I've no clue.
IT'S INSIDE FOREVER AND POT PUT IT THERE. Do you think what happened to music would've anyway, without weed? I don't.

That's my story.

Who won? Well, I've got a digital multi-track recorder, a drum-u-lator and a few tunes, half-done, in my head . . . so I smoke, get on here, go to RIU, and now it's today. Maybe I'll put a few tracks down soon? Ha Ha.
Sorry 'bout the long post. I like to do one every now and then.


** I haven't tried to play most of these songs in years, but have no doubt that it's a fact, tho I do love to break into "Whoooa Jaw-Bone" when it's least expected . . . makes the dogs wag their tails! I haven't heard BigPink in ? years . . . heard other a few X's a few years back.


Well-Known Member
I just started smoking herb regularly about a year ago, and its been a great year.
Nothing like a morning commute in NYC while zooted to make it so much more bearable.

Music, Food, Sex, Walks, MOVIES, and anything social is just more enjoyable for me when I smoke.

You guys need to watch Eddie Murphy's "Raw" when high. Funniest Shit ever.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when I'm blue, I blame the Beatles and marijuana for tempting me to pick up that guitar or plink around on that old upright piano.
In what became a lifelong semi-pro career (nightclubs, bars, a few shows) pot made learning these instruments an excellent adventure rather than a boresome chore. I mean shit, Man . . . it was new. VERY few guitar players around before 1963, LOT's in 65'! It's THAT simple.
Have we any idea how many artists joined the "modern day Renaissance" that began peaking in the 60's and still thrives in many today?

I'm almost 60, retired from playing, in '00 (guitars and singing /pills,bored) and haven't played piano in probably 30 years, despite there being one ten feet behind me, and in pretty good tune (or was?)
That's why I grew my last crop . . . hoping it'd kick-start my songwriting abilities. I even have the ear and inside help of a N-Ville BIG player/producer . . . HUGE, actually.

Anyway, I wasn't smoking any pot while I was in the clubs for almost 30 years . . . it interfered with my drinking, which was always included in the gig . . . and now it's now. I don't drink alcohol anymore.

I can, however, smoke two-hits of my last cure, walk over to that dusty upright, pull up a seat and still, after probably 35-40 years, within a few minutes, be playing note for note, ALL the songs on The Band's Big Pink AND The Bands' THE BAND LP's.
These are not easy, 12 bar blues tunes (JohnnyBGoode), but are quite complex musical arrangements, IMO.

Now I realize a lot of you have no idea who The Band were. They were great, that's all ya need to know, really.
Basically, in the later 60's there were two musical camps (out East, anyway) Folks chose between the Allman Brothers and The Band, which were essentially lifestyles.
Allman followers wore/wear wife-beater T's, have tats, drink whiskey, know how to party, like loud rock n' roll, lots of blond males.
"Band" followers wore/wear flannel, grew beards and drink wine. More artsy.
You can still tell who went which way in today's 50+ crowd.
Those who know will know what I'm saying.
I really don't think this would be possible had I not taken those tunes apart as a young warrior, patience only the wonder of pot and music together could possible provide. How they survive in my head, I've no clue. IT'S INSIDE FOREVER AND POT PUT IT THERE.
That's my story.

Who won? Well, I've got a digital multi-track recorder, a drum-u-lator and a few tunes, half-done, in my head . . . so I smoke, get on here, go to RIU, and now it's today. Maybe I'll put a few tracks down soon? Ha Ha.
Sorry 'bout the long post. I like to do one every now and then.

** I haven't tried to play most of these songs in years, but have no doubt that it's a fact, tho I do love to break into "Whoooa Jaw-Bone" when it's least expected . . . makes the dogs wag their tails! I haven't heard BigPink in ? years . . . heard other a few X's a few years back.

very interesting Mr. I also have a bit of an ear for music, played guitars for 6 yrs, bass for 6yrs, drums for 2yrs, and a bit of piano. Its good to see im not the only one thats gets inspired by mary:weed:


Well-Known Member
I just started smoking herb regularly about a year ago, and its been a great year.
Nothing like a morning commute in NYC while zooted to make it so much more bearable.

Music, Food, Sex, Walks, MOVIES, and anything social is just more enjoyable for me when I smoke.

You guys need to watch Eddie Murphy's "Raw" when high. Funniest Shit ever.
"nothin for nothin, leaves nothin... better get something... muthafucka punch you in the mouth!"

hahahahahaha i love that shit


Well-Known Member
very interesting Mr. I also have a bit of an ear for music, played guitars for 6 yrs, bass for 6yrs, drums for 2yrs, and a bit of piano. Its good to see im not the only one thats gets inspired by mary:weed:
Thanks. Dunno that it's inspiration in my case . . . certainly used to be. I got into it so deeply that I can't even listen to music while doing anything else. Why? Because as soon as something catches my ear, my mind sets to figuring out the chops, etc. and I can't do anything to stop it, so I just don't even turn music on anymore . . . well, I do as I'm headin' up for my 2:30 daybreaker (nap) so the dogs can enjoy the comfort of something besides the TV.
I think they love it.


Well-Known Member
Heres another good question id like to add to this thread:

Whats one thing Marijuana has taught you since you began smoking?


Well-Known Member
i think is the only thing that really makes me sane and plus i love the feeling i love waking up and taking some fat bong rips makes my day so much better