What I've Learned


Active Member
What I've Learned

I. Intro
:peace: Yes, I know about the GrowFAQ. This is not the GrowFAQ. This is simply my .. unique way of keeping tracking of only the things that affect my grow/grow type. The GrowFAQ is very exhaustive. This is meant to be the opposite, just a quick reference. :peace:
This will be a place to collect notes and snippets of useful information from experienced members. The next few posts will spread things out a bit, focusing on certain topics. I hope it keeps things clean and easy to find. This is mostly for myself to have a reference, but I decided to put it here, since it is where all the info is coming from anyways. *Some of this info might not apply to you (if you are an outdoor grower, a large-scale grower, someone with agriculture experience, etc)*

II. Safety and Security
- Good advice so far: Pay with cash, and buy your initial supplies at different stores. Buy your lighting somewhere different than your planting materials. The only way for someone to find out about your grow, is if you tell them. Remember that. If there is anything more than an infinitesimal chance someone will walk in on your grow, then you can't grow there. Period.
- Electrical safety: remember to properly ground and insulate all homemade wiring. use the proper wire gauge for the power you are drawing. always be mindful of heat, and objects near the lights. there NEEDS to be a door lock on the room containing things.

these are not optional steps! unless of course you like gambling. and keep in mind what you are gambling with, your freedom, your lifestyle, your life basically. I think locking your door and popping the lock (with key or 'hole') each day is worth that, don't you? and checking temps, and wiring..

Always always always check your plants daily. If you go on vacation, then That One Person You Told About Your Grow will have have to pitch in and help.


Active Member
III. Lighting, Ventilation, Grow Area

- I've seen 3000 lumens per plant mentioned as a minimum.

- G.E's 26w CFLs are 1600(cool white)-1750(warm white)lumens each.

- I have come to the conclusion that the lighting debate comes down to three things: Lumens, and Color Temperature, Wattage. All other discussion is just about managing/delivering those two things. It seems like anything more than 6 plants or so, HPS/MH is the better wattage/lumen ratio by a clear margin.

- When it comes to wiring: black is 'hot', white is neutral and green is ground. Use electrical connector caps and electric tape for any of your wiring jobs. No exposed wires!

- Oscillating is good for fans; idea is to bring in co2 and fresh(cooler) air.


Active Member
IV. Soil, Watering, Nutrients

When to water? Stick your finger 1/2-1inch into the soil. If it is dry, then you need to water.


Active Member
VI. Common Problems & Solutions
- Low PH = Add lime
- Droopy leaves = Check watering
- Brown leaves = Check nutrients, bugs, heat
- Unexpected Funny little dots = Check mold or bugs
- Hot area = Bring in cool air from outside grow area, do not just circulate hot air
- Slow growth = Check lighting levels.
- skinny/beanstalk growth = Make sure lights are close enough


Active Member
VII. Useful Diagrams, Pictures, etc

G.E. CFL data. Shows lumens and color temp for their bulbs. Check against the part number on your box:

