what isn't pot good for???

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
It's not good for loving jesus, not raping or murdering someone, suppressing cancer, driving, or remaining sane... Wait that's what the government wants us to believe


Well-Known Member
Maybe a better question would be, 'What is pot good for?'.....
this list would go on for pages upon pages.

Bringing back the appetite to a sick person.
Reducing nausea.
reliveing stress.
curing hangovers.
curbing anger.
pain control.
emotional control.
work ethic.
artistic enhancement.
musical ability.
staying awake.
your social life.
your golf game.
Understanding animals and kids better.
picking out clothes.
video games.
finnishing a list of to do's
being in clutch or tramatic situations.
And on
and on
and on.

sorry, i kinda strayed from the thread.
its not good for kids.
its not good for first timers.
its not good for goverment to send people to prison for enjoying it, not one bit.


Well-Known Member
Lungs I will give you.... Wallet, work ethic and brain, well I have to call you on. I do not know
exactly what you are doing wrong but, you missed a class somewhere.
and thats only if you choose to smoke or vape. there are other ways to partake and medicate without having to inhale. jolly ranchers anyone?


Active Member
Lungs I will give you.... Wallet, work ethic and brain, well I have to call you on. I do not know
exactly what you are doing wrong but, you missed a class somewhere.
I have employees and I allow them to smoke while on the job, I also have guys that don't smoke. The line of work I'm in is physically demanding (16 hour days away from home) and usually for the young body, so naturally the turnover for new recruits are high, so I have to train new comers all the time. What I'm about to say doesn't apply to everyone but most of the time it does. Show the strait guy once and he gets it, show the stoner and he may get it or never does. When they smoke up and go back to work they start strong, but after 20 min they have slowed to a point where they are barely moving. In there (pothead) defence, I have had guys that I bought the weed for because they gave 110% all day if they had smoke, but the problem with these guys, once they run out of pot, the Bipolar sets in and you don't dare look at the guy let alone talk to him. I take guys with me to work, away from home and supplies for days at a time, so running out happens.

The teenagers to mid-twenties are the worst, they think the herb gives them some kind of superpowers, but they are stuck doing this labourer intense job because they are high school dropouts. In my area the young men that stayed behind, didn't move away for better paying, easier jobs and they are the potheads. The young buck starts smoking cannons at 6am and by late afternoon he is done for, but the young fellow that doesn't smoke works all day and has a better attitude. The list goes on and on guys, I have seen many things and have watched many people work while on drugs, yes some guys weed does give them superpowers like 2% but the other 98% are just fucking high and don't know the difference. The old timers are the ones that pace them self, has a hoot after breakfast, lunch, mid-afternoon so on and so on and still goes home with weed in his pocket while the little punk smoked an OZ the first couple days and was bitchy the rest of the week, no good for shit.

Now for myself, I have realized I’m more productive without it after smoking heavy for 9 years but for the last 5 years I only smoke once in a while maybe 4 to 5 times out of the year. I know hooch does miracles for some of you folks but for myself, all the benefits you receive, they are negative effect for me.

But I will say this; I rather deal with a pothead that ran out of pot than a smoker that runs out of Cigarettes.


Active Member
The Canadian government did an experiment back in the 80's where they monitored the work output of 100 sober test subjects for a week. Then they gave them all marijuana at 1 percent thc to smoke and monitored there work output for a week. Then they upped the thc level to 2 percent and repeated this up to 20 percent thc. They concluded there was no drop off in work productivity.


Active Member
Hahahaha, I have conducted my one studies on the high seas, I have had many come and go, wit lots that stayed, like I said 2% have superpowers the others are just potheads. I also noticed that the kid that doesn't do pot gets a car his license and a girl while the other guy has none of these or any money because he spent it on pot.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I think you need to think outside of your focus group. Many different kinds of people[/FONT]
smoke for many different kinds of reasons.

The same kids you are talking shit on, would most likely be fucking up if ganga did not

On the flip side of your coin. What percentage of Ivy League school kids do you think
smoke? Because if think it is under 10% you are off by a LOT.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, I have conducted my one studies on the high seas, I have had many come and go, wit lots that stayed, like I said 2% have superpowers the others are just potheads. I also noticed that the kid that doesn't do pot gets a car his license and a girl while the other guy has none of these or any money because he spent it on pot.
You're making a lot of assumptions. IMO, weed affects everyone differently. For me, I usually don't smoke during the day while I'm at work because I deal with cash drawers, customers, balance sheets, accounting, etc and I like to stay clear headed so no mistakes are made. I have employees on the other hand that focus much better when medicated (ADD in particular).

I used to play professional hockey too. You'd be shocked at how many pro athletes smoke on the regular and I think you'd be hard pressed to find a more physically demanding job than an NHL hockey player.


Well-Known Member
I smoke because it makes me feel good and does seem to help with the muscle spasms that I have in my left leg due to a spinal injury and subsequent surgery. It doesn't make me think better or faster. It doesn't help me focus better. It does make me a lot less of a miserable prick which I tend to be. There are gives and takes like anything else.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to think outside of your focus group. Many different kinds of people
smoke for many different kinds of reasons.

The same kids you are talking shit on, would most likely be fucking up if ganga did not

On the flip side of your coin. What percentage of Ivy League school kids do you think
smoke? Because if think it is under 10% you are off by a LOT.
actually alot of the ivy leaguers are doing alot worse than pot. read a few articles and studies on that