What is wrong


Its dying. Yellowing and burning from the bottom up. Seems to have stopped growing. recently got a soil ph tester and saw that the ph was at 7.0 so ph some water to an even six and flushed it. Seems to be slowing how fast its dying. only fed it cal mag and water. 5 gallon pot. T5 grow light. Plant next to it is same strain and everything done the same and it only shows minor burn and almost no yellowing and is double the size even though a week and a half ago it was half the size.

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what's wrong, I took a fuck load of shrooms last night with my brother & we've been tripping for about 15 hours....we thought it was ending about 8 hours ago & it hit us with another bang....we we going to die?
I'll keep your plant company in heaven.

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member
@Farrfighsr bare with me here, I'm currently not myself.

What strain it it you're growing?
Temps, humidity & how often are you watering?
I'm sensing a phosphorus issue going by the purple stems - N would see the bottom leaves yellowing - rather than wilting, so to speak.
have you got a fan around your plant?