what is this?


I've got two baby plants just at 2 weeks now, and there's some discoloration going on now and I don't know where it's coming from. I'm including a pic - plant on the left just started withering up, so I actually gave it some nutes thinking that was the problem (had some algae growth & someone mentioned it was eating the nutes in the MG). A few days later, same thing happened to the plant on the right - this one didn't have the algae problem so I just added water and waited to see what happened.

Both of them snapped back, but now they're yellowed at the tips of the leaves - also, the initial leaves that first sprout from the seed have withered on both and not snapped back at all.



Active Member
it's common to loose the first leaves on a sprout from seed..it's not a good idea to use nutes this early with mg soil..it has plant food in it already so your over feeding it...it's just too young for it...the algae is probably from too much water and it will cause yellowing and a sick looking plant...let it dry out and don't feed it until it has a real set of leaves..like 4-5 leaves to a set...when u do feed it start with a 1/4 of the recommended amount is on the container,if there's no problems raise it from there...


Well-Known Member
algae eating ur nutes, okay. anyway u were told the first baby leaves (cotyledons) always fall off. yellowing tips, nute burn. do NOT give nutes until at least 2 wks, better yet 3 weeks. plants look like they r stretching, if u r using CFL's move them closer WAY close, less then 2 inches.

Just re-read that after posting, so editing....u said these are AT 2 WEEKS, from when they first sprouted? They look like they r maybe a week. Definitely need to do something about the lighting.


u were told the first baby leaves (cotyledons) always fall off.
nope, they forgot to send me that in my intro packet - you know the one every grower gets when he decides to try his hand at raising plants... not in there.

yellowing tips, nute burn.
Only the plant on the left was given nutes, and only the one on the left had algae - so what's up with the plant on the right, it's got much more severe symptoms. The yellowing is much more prominent & the very tips are browning a bit... no nutes given, so what's going on?


Well-Known Member
nope, they forgot to send me that in my intro packet - you know the one every grower gets when he decides to try his hand at raising plants... not in there.

Take another bong hit brother...seriously I am not one of those aholes that come to a thread other then to TRY to help. What I meant was (sry it wasnt obvious) that the reply before mine already said that, (about the cotyledons) so I was just re-iterating it, nothing more.............so breathe...relax :)

"Only the plant on the left was given nutes, and only the one on the left had algae - so what's up with the plant on the right, it's got much more severe symptoms. The yellowing is much more prominent & the very tips are browning a bit... no nutes given, so what's going on?"

Okay, well again like the reply before mine said, overwatering, wet/soggy soil can cause the very same problems u r seeing as a little nute burn would in plants so young. And as they said, u can let the medium completely dry out. U could even just replant it, & start from scratch with ur medium so u know u r not again encountering the problem u had with the other one & the algae growth from again overwatering or soggy medium. Have u checked ur ph? imo I highly doubt it is in need of nutes but u said u gave the other nutes, so if after a couple more days no ill effects come of it, then go ahead & give the one with the problem some. It seems this one with the problem has a lot less medium (just how it appears to me in the pic) if I am wrong, dont bite my head off. I am sorry, I can offer no other suggestions then the ones given before me & by me. Definitely check ur ph. Maybe someone else will come that has experience with the like of plants so small, even possibly to again confirm advice given here-in or offer another alternative possibility. Will check back for sure.