what is this on my leaves...

Mr Dude

ok two of the pics are the plant as is - and the other two are of the spots on the leaves - its like this at the bottom of the plant .
It has been suggested over watering , on top of that it has also been suggested im under feeding the plant - i personally think the plant is healthy , and the darker the leaf the more nitrogen - which is not always a desirable path to take - what do you think? please all advice is appreciated.

It is in a large pot , and its in soil - cheers.
I use about 600 ppm fert every few days... and i water daily about 3 litres of water , in a 12 litre pot.



Active Member
i wouldnt water it more than every three days and i only use fert every other watering. what is the npk on the fert and what kind of soil is it in, regular soil from your yard or did you buy it?

Mr Dude

i wouldnt water it more than every three days and i only use fert every other watering. what is the npk on the fert and what kind of soil is it in, regular soil from your yard or did you buy it?
n p k is sensi grow two part a 3.7 0 0 and part b is 2.5 2.2 5.7

soil is leaf mould from woods and horse compost manure 60% leaf mould 40% horse manure compost.



Active Member
Yeah I would stay way from watering everyday unless your in the desert of something like that... Every 3 days 2-3 liters should be fine. and once a week at the MOST with 20-20-20 works great. I feed mine every 4 days in 12 liter pots and feed 20-20-20 every 3rd watering. Your soil needs to dry out so the roots can receive O2 or you can get root rot and other bad things. Wait till the top 1" or soil is completely dry. Hope this helps I do think you are feeding too much but they look rather nice.

Mr Dude

thanks ever so much for your help guys, and interest. its only one plant that the pictures refer too , its only the one plant that has this issue. So i should water every three days then? also what kind of ppm should i aim for considering the pot size? I cant really switch to 20/20/20 right now since im using the advanced nuetriants schedule - im not sure what to make of the snake oil advance sell in marketing , but im assuming since its more geared toward "weed" but they wont obviously say that on the bottle, then im basically experimenting to see if the weeds any different to my past grows with just miracle grow? Im kinda worried to overdo it with the ferts, id really hate it to go wrong this far into the veg - altho i do still have just under two months before its officially 12/12 . Will this plant recover , if as your advice states water every three days? and if i follow this how much realistically should i feed this lady? again i really dont wont to ruin all my hard work - im rather obsesive about it now ;) its more a hobby.


Active Member
It's much easier to bounce back from under fert then over. I have no info on the ferts you are using. How often does the bottle say to feed them? If you want to keep heavy on the fert. I say every other watering. but experiment. I really recomend letting your soil dry out till at least 1" of the top soil is completely dry. Oddly enough you have some slight yellowing to your plants but I assume its from over watering and "flushing" your nuts away. I'm almost positive! I feed my plants every 12-14 days!!! not every 3 days, my plants would be nute burn like burnt toast if I feed them every three days. Just follow your bottles instructions, watch your watering. Also you might want to check out with others in a different thread about switching fert. mid veg. I cant see it being a problem. I like to use a neutral soil and feed my plants 20-20-20 every 12-14 days.

Mr Dude

on the bottle it says - ppm 600 then in green it says /aggressive feeding 800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800 . aggressive feed , this is in green and is in green from 800 ppm onwards up to 1800. Im going go with your suggestion , and feed more, in one sitting but not water as much. perhaps even water just once a week , and if they look like there wanting more water perhaps give it to them.

Now the question is how much do i give them? the plants are about 4 foot high. and as you say 3 litres water should be enuff - when i give them this amount there is a slight amount coming out of the bottom of the pot , but i would not say there`s any more than half a cups worth - ie standard cup of tea or coffees worth of water.
So do i say give them 1000 with 3 litres of water ? they do look healthy but if the yellowing is a bad sign how much would you suggest i feed them?
This is the link to the nuet calculator im using its got weeks 1 thru to 8 for veg.... http://www.advancednutrients.com/nutcalc3public/nutrient_calculator.html there are some drop down selection boxes on the calculator, im using the vegetative growth option sensi a and b neut and 3 litres of water.

again thanks for your help.


on the bottle it says - ppm 600 then in green it says /aggressive feeding 800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800 . aggressive feed , this is in green and is in green from 800 ppm onwards up to 1800. Im going go with your suggestion , and feed more, in one sitting but not water as much. perhaps even water just once a week , and if they look like there wanting more water perhaps give it to them.

Now the question is how much do i give them? the plants are about 4 foot high. and as you say 3 litres water should be enuff - when i give them this amount there is a slight amount coming out of the bottom of the pot , but i would not say there`s any more than half a cups worth - ie standard cup of tea or coffees worth of water.
So do i say give them 1000 with 3 litres of water ? they do look healthy but if the yellowing is a bad sign how much would you suggest i feed them?
This is the link to the nuet calculator im using its got weeks 1 thru to 8 for veg.... http://www.advancednutrients.com/nutcalc3public/nutrient_calculator.html there are some drop down selection boxes on the calculator, im using the vegetative growth option sensi a and b neut and 3 litres of water.For the soil you are using, which IMO is great soil, you should only have to give your girls a watering of tea once a week. I also use a rich compost soil to grow and give my girls a horse manure tea once a week. This is more about feeding your soil and aiding in breaking down the organics in your soil than actually feeding your plants. With organic soils the best advice is little is better and more will hurt your girls. I welcome you to look at my grow journal and see what mine look like with only tea as an additive until flower then I also start adding molasess at 1 tbl per gallone of water, about 4 liters. Hope this helps and Good Luck.:joint:

Mr Dude

on the bottle it says - ppm 600 then in green it says /aggressive feeding 800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800 . aggressive feed , this is in green and is in green from 800 ppm onwards up to 1800. Im going go with your suggestion , and feed more, in one sitting but not water as much. perhaps even water just once a week , and if they look like there wanting more water perhaps give it to them.

Now the question is how much do i give them? the plants are about 4 foot high. and as you say 3 litres water should be enuff - when i give them this amount there is a slight amount coming out of the bottom of the pot , but i would not say there`s any more than half a cups worth - ie standard cup of tea or coffees worth of water.
So do i say give them 1000 with 3 litres of water ? they do look healthy but if the yellowing is a bad sign how much would you suggest i feed them?
This is the link to the nuet calculator im using its got weeks 1 thru to 8 for veg.... http://www.advancednutrients.com/nutcalc3public/nutrient_calculator.html there are some drop down selection boxes on the calculator, im using the vegetative growth option sensi a and b neut and 3 litres of water.For the soil you are using, which IMO is great soil, you should only have to give your girls a watering of tea once a week. I also use a rich compost soil to grow and give my girls a horse manure tea once a week. This is more about feeding your soil and aiding in breaking down the organics in your soil than actually feeding your plants. With organic soils the best advice is little is better and more will hurt your girls. I welcome you to look at my grow journal and see what mine look like with only tea as an additive until flower then I also start adding molasess at 1 tbl per gallone of water, about 4 liters. Hope this helps and Good Luck.:joint:
greetings, and thanks for your response.

Yes i myself am more organic - i was very careful about the soil i was putting in the pots - and some how got onto these ferts , im not sure what to use for flowering but im going to just water once a week. I only have three ladys this year, but will post pics of these later - they look healthy and ive tied down the branches to allow new shoots to grow upward - im not sure what to expect by doing this but i think it may be easier to harvest once the time comes , instead of the flowers hugging the main stems. How do you combat bud rot if your in such a wet environment most of the year?


Active Member
on the bottle it says - ppm 600 then in green it says /aggressive feeding 800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800 . aggressive feed , this is in green and is in green from 800 ppm onwards up to 1800. Im going go with your suggestion , and feed more, in one sitting but not water as much. perhaps even water just once a week , and if they look like there wanting more water perhaps give it to them.

Now the question is how much do i give them? the plants are about 4 foot high. and as you say 3 litres water should be enuff - when i give them this amount there is a slight amount coming out of the bottom of the pot , but i would not say there`s any more than half a cups worth - ie standard cup of tea or coffees worth of water.
So do i say give them 1000 with 3 litres of water ? they do look healthy but if the yellowing is a bad sign how much would you suggest i feed them?
This is the link to the nuet calculator im using its got weeks 1 thru to 8 for veg.... http://www.advancednutrients.com/nutcalc3public/nutrient_calculator.html there are some drop down selection boxes on the calculator, im using the vegetative growth option sensi a and b neut and 3 litres of water.

again thanks for your help.

Yeah I wouls say 1000 ppm will be fine and without you flushing the soil so much your plants should perk up and get a bit greener. Too much Nitrogen is bad like you said but not enough is bad too. you do not want yellow leaves. a few are okay but a yellowish plant so to speak is not. When I water mine I get about a cup of water coming out the bottom too.

Mr Dude

Yeah I wouls say 1000 ppm will be fine and without you flushing the soil so much your plants should perk up and get a bit greener. Too much Nitrogen is bad like you said but not enough is bad too. you do not want yellow leaves. a few are okay but a yellowish plant so to speak is not. When I water mine I get about a cup of water coming out the bottom too.
well come sunday im giving them 1000 ppm and tarantula for the roots then the following sunday slightly more since now im second week into veg mode until 25th september then its flower mode.

Mr Dude

well been a few days since we last spoke - anyway been upping the feed and yes, very dark leaves - and noticable growth round donkey dick areas - i can see she or they rather are coming to that final push before flower phase. They are defo stretching now.

I expect from the structure of two of them plenty of flowers ;)

Ill take some snaps shortly so u can see the difference.

I have pruned a little but only the damaged leaves, in all they look clean aerated, and pretty healthy now. The large fans i took out since they where going yellow so the sugars where obviously low there... (right?)

One of them i think looks so good, its a pretty good specimen.

think i settled at well over 1200 ppm but watered only twice a week as opposed to every day. They are easily 5 foot and 5 inches tall right now ;^) not quite up to my best witch was 9 feet and 2 inches tall.

