WHAT is this GOO!?!?


Well-Known Member
OK so i come home from work and my EZ Clone 60 is all kinda of blocked up with this goo! (see pics) it is white, kinda like a mix between lard, gelatin, and wet bread and smells kinda fishy. I only add H2O2 and GH liquid PH down to my res for the ez cloner. it clogged up my pump and now all of my babies may die. I Use clonex on the stems when i place them in there too. what the heck is going on? How do I prevent it? THANKS!



Well-Known Member
OK so i come home from work and my EZ Clone 60 is all kinda of blocked up with this goo! (see pics) it is white, kinda like a mix between lard, gelatin, and wet bread and smells kinda fishy. I only add H2O2 and GH liquid PH down to my res for the ez cloner. it clogged up my pump and now all of my babies may die. I Use clonex on the stems when i place them in there too. what the heck is going on? How do I prevent it? THANKS!

I had a little of that on one of my sprayers the same as you have. I did a full clean and flush, and now 1 week later my roots have been rotted away. Even though I made sure my grow environment was fricken perfect after I cleaned the res and flushed the plants..(3 1/2 weeks into vegging )


Well-Known Member
I had this same problem in my bubblers. I think it is the start of root rot. I am willing to bet your res temps are too high. I have gone all hempy (it was just overall an easier method) but I think this stuff called hygrozyme might work good for your problem. I use it in my nutirent mix, it is supposed to fix/stop/prevent root rot and promote more root growth.


Well-Known Member
so it's plant poop/rot. UGH! hygrozyme huh. geez. i might as well go back to dirt.
If you get fed up with full on hydro, may I recommend the hempy bucket? Seriously, it has been a god send. I have taught a few people to grow with it and they used to kill off plants left and right regardless of method. I just find it a super easy way to grow.