What is optimal "Dark-Time" from veg to flower


Well-Known Member
the way I see it, a combination of dark + coolness triggers the "Night time functions" within the plant, which is partly growth and hormone production i think (someone please correct me on that) i think this is how automatic flowering works, over the periods of darkness the flowering hormone builds up within the plant then when levels reach a breakpoint it starts to flower. So ... after a particularly long dark period before starting the flowering cycle (which in itself is just a method of making the hormones faster because of the longer dark periods) those levels are that bit higher (4.75 "nights" worth of production in 1 dose)

So, yes I think there is scientific reasons why this will have some effect, not sure if the rate of production escalates because the dark period is longer (some plants, like some cacti, produce more hormones the darker they are, mostly consistent dark nights means the same is produced each night, but if you lock it in the dark for a LONG period the hormone that is produced in the cacti that keeps it dormant can be 20x normal production after only a week or so of constant dark, meaning the rate of production gets higher, just like in a night period the start of dark it produces less than the end of the night)

Many factors, so a proper experiment with a good sample size would be good to get some usable figures. If you dont mind causing minor harm to the plant sap can be tested for PH during the experiment on all samples to get some kind of idea at rate of production (Sap PH will sway away from soil PH as the plant is focusing on hormone production as to nuit takeup from the roots)

This is theory mainly taken from my experiences with cacti and other plants.


Nice, very informative!


Well-Known Member
YO BFG, my experiments were strictly by the book, I looked at my plants b4 going in the 36 hour stage and when they came out of it i could tell the sex from my plants within 2-3 after, so if your going to sit there and be the only one talking shit that there is no hard evidence, then your wrong, thats my evidence right there, how many growers you know that will tell you they can check the sex of the plant in 5 days, you said and I quote :
First: there are no natural 36 hour dark periods on this planet and so no genetic reason for plants to learn to exploit that.
answer : BS , next question.
Second: any experienced grower knows that the most dramatic growth of a plant happens after a plant goes to flowering. what i mean is your growth drama might very well have occurred with just a normal switching the light cycle and no mad scientist extended dark cycle.
answer :
yes you see a difference from flowering but not that quick holmes, get you info correct b4 trying to huff and puff my house down.
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Well-Known Member
First: there are no natural 36 hour dark periods on this planet and so no genetic reason for plants to learn to exploit that.
answer : BS , next question.
BS? how do you figure? :roll:

(edited out because i do not need to waste my time with an attitudinal keyboard warrior)

enjoy your grow, hope it works out just how you want it :peace:


Well-Known Member
well i gues there is evidence to my theory,lol its just really obvious yes we have the ability to control our indoor plants environment, hence the plant goes into longer (martian)lol,,, dark periods when we want it to. this promotes almost a (flight or fight) reaction only with plants, they react by producing hormones which induces flowering. there is always somebody that has to be right even when evidence that clearly negates their logic is right before them;-)


Well-Known Member
zonk puts plants in darkness for 36 hours. Zonk takes plant out on 37th hour and wow it is not the same plant, it is bigger and has preflowers out the waaazoo. Zonk sexes these plants in 4 days. HOW DO WE KNOW THIS,oh yeah he just told us that he did it,LOL


Well-Known Member
er, not sure if that last part was aimed at me or not... since some of what i said was in your post, blinkykush, i have to assume it was...

my main point is that without some sort of testing other than the plant living it is hard to prove the point.

do i think a 36 hour dark period helps? not really. but that is just a hunch... i havent done any testing at this point either ;)

however, as soon as i get a second flower room going or crop solely from clones, you can rest assured i will do some testing to see if it works.

so, if it seems i am just being an argumentative prick, i apologize.

i am still paying attention to this thread not to argue but to maybe learn something.

so far, i have... i have: something to test and cacti are interesting plants :D
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Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe i was comming across like a dick, sorry. You actually have a really good point and are intitled to your opinion. But yeah a real test on this would be best. I just have read a few peoples posts that suggest it might have an impact on determining sex of a plant(s) quicker.


Well-Known Member
and i have seen posters say pour a sport's drink on the plants and i have seen them say they get 14 pounds from 2 indoor plants.... the first type of poster was relying on the plant living as a sign of success and the second type... well, let's just say it is hard to believe ;)

i dont believe my own theories without some empirical evidence either.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so it's Monday morning, i can't really tell if the pistils changes or not, but they look larger to me. So, i couldn't get any close pics that were not really blurry. But, i took these...

can u guys see anything? any tips for close-ups?


Active Member
Hey all,
Thanks for the GREAT thoughts and rap on this thread. As for me, I have seen a major difference in letting them bask in the darkness and have no fear to start doing all of my grow this way. Just for kicks and thanks to BFG and my sense of scientific approach, I did a rudimentary experiment and threw some plants (gently) into one of the BC Northern Lights cabinets I have (2x600W HPS bulbs) and did not turn the lights on for 36 hours, while I moved other plants straight from veg to flower under my 1000W HPS bulb in my grow house. Any guesses as to how it turned out? The darndest thing, after coming out of the 36-hour darkness and into the light for 36 hours, I was able to weed out my males in my Cabinet! On the other hand after the same 72 hours in my grow room with the 1000 W HPS I was NOT able to distinguish balls or pussy hair! In fact in the grow room it took an additional 4 days to distinguish balls. Now although not completely controlled due to the variance in light from the Cabinet and the grow room 600 +600 vs. 1000, that was a credible difference. Nutrients were same except that the plants were not watered in the Cab during dark period. My males have been identified and given to the "Gods" and my fems are getting fat and happy. Thanks BFG as I would not have gone to this extent had it not been for your questioning. Thanks again to all that stayed tuned with this thread as it was one of my first. I really enjoyed reading about all of your progress and look forward to more chat!


Well-Known Member
thanks for going through the trouble and for posting a follow up!

i have to say, while i am still a skeptic, i am intrigued enough to where i am going to give it a try... i am designing a new grow space and i think i have room for two flower areas which will give me not only more crop but also a nice test rig.... this type thing would be an excellent test to run in such a setup.... unfortunately, it wont be a test done any time soon, so dont hold your breath ;)

glad to hear that it gave you good results and glad to hear you tested it at least well enough to be conclusive in your op :)

also, i am glad at least one person took my stance properly... i wasnt trying to cause shit or strife, just to increase knowledge.


Active Member
YO BFG, my experiments were strictly by the book, I looked at my plants b4 going in the 36 hour stage and when they came out of it i could tell the sex from my plants within 2-3 after, so if your going to sit there and be the only one talking shit that there is no hard evidence, then your wrong, thats my evidence right there
The thing is, you have no way of knowing whether those plants would have shown sex in 2-3 days anyway, even without the 36 hours darkness, so your experiment doesn't prove anything. You can't just compare your results to previous or future results, because conditions and genetics would be different.

IF you had used 2 identical plants (clones), and put one on 12/12 (control), and gave the other 36 hours darkness, and then one plant showed sex before the other, THEN you could say you have proof that it works.

From my own experience, if you veg a plant until it matures (staggered nodes), then it should show sex within 2-3 days after going 12/12 (if it hasn't already shown preflowers in veg).
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captain canabiss

Active Member
I have always started 24/7 might not be the optimate for some,but the plants love the hell out of it.I am an old man to and I highly recommend using Elanors VF-11 and Superthrive. Elanors is totally organic and foliar feeding everyday for the first two weeks and root feed with Superthrive and Elanors When needed.Superthrive is a mix of 50 minerals and trace elements.Oxgyen Plus never hurts either. NO BS Elanors VF-11 will make buds grow out of the sides of your buds. Cut a branch open and spray so it goes down inside the plant,Top a couple of buds and spray , you will be blown away. I noticed Elanors VF-11 in Longs Drugs about 15 years ago,and I swear by it. I use it on strawberries, pepper plants tomatoes .pea plants and they never stop putting out fruit over and over.


Well-Known Member
hmm, i didn't even get to look at my plants. I have them set for 6am-6pm. But, i leave for school at 7 and i didn't get home till 7 so i didn't see my plant. But i'm going to see if i can try and sex it tommorow.


Active Member
I have heard of Superthrive Capt, but not Elanors VF-11? I'm aleays up for something new! Thanks for the info! Just for kicks, you may want to try just plain old monster energy drinks, I've been experimenting eith them and have had pretty good luck! I'm sure that any of the sugar drinks would do the same thing, but Monster definitely creates more growth and sweeter taste with than without! Probably a pretty well kept secret, and the manufacturers of "sweet" wouldn't want tht out, as it would put them straight out of business! One little 8.3oz can to a 25 gal res and blam, you'll see! Keep em rollin~


Well-Known Member
its all about timing and education and practice to accomplish the best harvest and in order to do that you have to take some chances and risks to become the best weed grower around.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of Superthrive Capt, but not Elanors VF-11? I'm aleays up for something new! Thanks for the info! Just for kicks, you may want to try just plain old monster energy drinks, I've been experimenting eith them and have had pretty good luck! I'm sure that any of the sugar drinks would do the same thing, but Monster definitely creates more growth and sweeter taste with than without! Probably a pretty well kept secret, and the manufacturers of "sweet" wouldn't want tht out, as it would put them straight out of business! One little 8.3oz can to a 25 gal res and blam, you'll see! Keep em rollin~
have you read the label on that shit? you are pouring salt on your plants.