what is my plant telling me???


Well-Known Member
i have these 2 whiteberry and 1 opium plant vegging and they are growing great. nice growth from both although the opium is growing quicker and looking great except that i have been noticing that the leaves all the plants is yellowing towards the outer leaf. its hard to take a good pic under the bright mh light, but i did the best i could.

i know the plants are either missing something or getting locked out? they have been given minimal nutes so far. i am growing with a pro-mix mixture with wormcastings, humus, perlite. just upgraded to botanicare stuff so they have been giving light doses of everything. so far they have had some liquid karma, pbp grow, sweet, and hygrozyme. i don't think i have been overwatering. they are watered maybe every 2-3 days.

here are some pics. there is yellowing towards the edges

any help would be great.


Active Member
Cant tell by pix, but it looks like they have a veining effect. If thats the case, it might be low iron or manganese.Got a ph tester?


Well-Known Member
Unlike a magnesium deficiency, nitrogen def will start from the tips and work its way back to the leaf node. Nitrogen and Magnesium get confused. The best way to tell them apart is, nitrogen deficiency starts around the tips and works its way to the back of the leaves, where a magnesium deficiency will cover the entire outer part of the leave and make the entire leaves yellow leaving the veins to stay green. If your plants are having a slow growth rate and have yellowing of the leaves, then most likely it’s a nitrogen deficiency. Looks more like magnesium lockout to me though. Check your soil ph, if it's under 6.5 you either have or will have magnesium lockout. Are you using R/O water or tap?


Well-Known Member
How close do you have your light? Are any of the leaves drooping or curling? I can't see any curling in the pictures.


Well-Known Member
i would say they are about 24 inches under the 250mh. i have botanicare cal mag plus if that is what you think would be best? or just a bigger does of pure blend pro grow? my plants are growing like weeds already. nice, fat and healthy as can be besides the yellowish tint.

after reading everyones responses so far i still am not totally sure what the problem really is. i will try to get ph of the soil tonight.


Well-Known Member
yes, if outer edges of leaf are starting to get yellow, that is a nitrogen deficiency.. though, the plant looks very very healthy; I wouldn't worry at all about them ... the look great! its difficult sometimes to know exactly what environment specs will optimize the certain strain that you are growing but what you can do is make an army of clones and try different ph, nute ratios, etc and monitor them daily.. after a few weeks, if you keep track of the different specs you have on each clone, you can really get a great feel for how to optimize growth for your specific genetics you are cultivating.. good luck!


Well-Known Member
hahahahahah i think i have N overdose.... my fans are ridiculously dark but rest of leaves are perfectly fine, and also shows a new plant wit the "normal" color lol

hmmmm anyway i dont care for them fan leaves, then look green they must be good enough, lol mixed solution for flower, 1 galdistilled, .75tbsp molasses, 10%n, 8%ca, 4%mg but only about 40% strength of veg neuts..



Well-Known Member
if i may have put a little more lime in my mix than i needed what is the best way to fix that? flushing with just ph'd water a few times?