what is marijuana?


Well-Known Member
quick question:
is marijuana considered a flower, a weed, or ...fuck
what is it technically considered?

probably a stupid question


Well-Known Member
quick question:
is marijuana considered a flower, a weed, or ...fuck
what is it technically considered?

probably a stupid question
it is a plant. which produces glorious flowers yet is mislabelled as a shitty weed.


Well-Known Member
In Holy Terms. God made the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. But during the rest of the 7th god had rested on ear. While doing so she favoured this planet for all its glory. With a Magic Blessing Weed. But in Technically Sprirtuall Terms.

The God.

What i mean is when you smoke and inhale marijuana its not the THC that gets you buzzed. Your smoking Gods gloryous "Woman Hood" its sex gone wild in your head. Because this is the Vaginal Excretions from gods own Womb. This is why you become one with yourself because you get a little bit closer to god.

Thats what "Marijuana" Is.
Now we must thank the lord.....

.....With a nice big BONG RIP!



Well-Known Member
In Holy Terms. God made the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. But during the rest of the 7th god had rested on ear. While doing so she favoured this planet for all its glory. With a Magic Blessing Weed. But in Technically Sprirtuall Terms.

The God.

What i mean is when you smoke and inhale marijuana its not the THC that gets you buzzed. Your smoking Gods gloryous "Woman Hood" its sex gone wild in your head. Because this is the Vaginal Excretions from gods own Womb. This is why you become one with yourself because you get a little bit closer to god.

Thats what "Weed" Is.
Now we must thank the lord.....

.....With a nice big BONG RIP!


:confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
Oh come on now.If there is a supreme being I do not think that they are concerned about making sure man can " get high "...The credit goes to ancient man for trying just about every plant out there ( most likely trying to eat it when normal food sources were unavailable)and deciding that being poisoned by this plant was " fun".

You do understand that the resin glands / THC content in marijuana is the plant's natural defense from being eaten by animals( including man). Techincally when you get high you are actually poisoned by the plant.

Never the less, we humans do love being poisoned!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
lol "Oliver Twit is more like it, i would have done things differently had i been him"

Well its true, just like some african tods/frogs secret a poision on there skin so if being eaten or attacked its abosored and they get fucked up hallucinate and freak out cause its a poison. lol

We humanz adabt to poison very easily id say. But im luaghing just imaging a cave man running back to his house with a giant stalk of fuck up plant lol and going LOOK WHAT I FOUND ITS CRAZY and then eating the giant stem, the leaves, the bud. lol fucken everything and then sitting on a stone bench for 3 days just bugg eyed. and when a tiger walks bye he laughs, gets paranoid and murders it.


Well-Known Member
Heh, imagine being a caveman with the muchies and having no 7-11 to go to
for a 95 oz. drink and a king size snickers....no drive-through fast food....not even a fridge
to grab some left over pizza...

Poor cavemen.


Well-Known Member
llol i could and u know if he had the whole large plant and u know what he would do. run down to the local quary grab a nice rock and go on a murder rampage of deer, cows (shut up this is my history lesson lol ), and bears and tigers and eat them all then wake up after such a fucked up couple days from eating the plant and all with blood on his mouth walking back homin going WTF HAPPENED AND WTF DAY IS IT

Funny Caveman

New Comedy Series Soon To Come

"The Fucked Up Cavemen"
Buy one copy of this hit DVD get free ticket from 7-11 for munchies!! YAY


I want to clear things up here...cannabis is NOT a weed.......

definition of a weed:

A weed in a general sense is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance, and normally applied to unwanted plants in human made settings like a garden, lawn, or agricultural areas but also to parks, woods and other natural areas.The term weed in its general sense is a subjective one, without any classification value, since a weed is not a weed when growing where it belongs or is wanted.

So cannabis is not a weed until you dislike it growing in your garden.........

Cannabis is:

an annual, dioecious, flowering herb.......:joint:


Well-Known Member
In Otherwords. A plant that is the oraphus (spell check ) from Gods womb.

Ok skip the spiritial shit that nobody understands
simple matters

Weed is a plant thats origins rise in gods hot smokin pussy. It has the power to rebirth ur mind in new ways.


Active Member
You got some religion issues there mate????????????

WTF is he on,I want some, sure is some crazyassed shit!!!! :-)

Orifice....by the way....no spell check :P

All the best



Well-Known Member
lol some hijack and ak48 at the same time 5 bowls. i like it alot and so does the lord