What is happening to the USA?


Active Member
Troll under the bride maybe... Boogie man under your bed, whatever... You are the sheep. The sheep being led to the slaughter by your own blindness
LOL- no, you're just a douche on the internet. One day you will get your big-boy hair . . . til them try not to take it out on the rest of the world.

Boogie man my ass.


Well-Known Member
back to the original post...the imam wasn't making any type of a threat. he was simply pointing out that if people like blitzkrieg had their way, and stopped peaceful, moderate muslims from building a mosque (or went and threw their holy book into a bonfire), it would be used as a recruiting tool for the extremists around the globe. that is a totally sane claim to make.

yet blitz takes it as a threat....

this thread is already epic


Active Member

here are some images of "recent" acts carried out by peace loving muslims... All I can hope is next time a love spreading muslim uses a chemical weapon in a subway near you it is you and your family that feels "the love"... maybe then you will get it. No not all muslims are like the ones responsible for the above "love" but since they all look alike how are we to tell them appart I wonder?


Active Member
im just waiting to hear something along the lines of: aint' no books ever not did no good for not nonebody, followed by some anti jew rhetoric and a cross burning.

arabs can stay take back the gooks.
wanna talk hate for jews... just ask this peaceful muslim about that...
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad retorted, “we will soon witness [Israel's] disappearance and destruction.”


Well-Known Member
if it disappears how will we know its destroyed? that'd be like a very large scale analogy to Schrödinger's cat.